Melted by dragon (M)

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Back in her chamber, Laena instantly dismissed Ser Selmy who couldn't disobey his liege lady. In her solitude, Lady of Highgarden closed her eyes as the pain in her chest feels unbearable to her. She always told herself serving the queen she loves is enough. But the presence of the King in the North seem to disagree with her as she witnessed the same affection the king held for her queen.

She started taking off her clothes to check her wound but halted her action midway due to feeling lightheaded by the wine she consumed. Laena frustratingly untied the top of her tunic and sat down on her bed, feeling defeated at heart.

At the midst of her suffering, she didn't sense Daenerys Targaryen entering her chamber. The queen hesitated to disturb the rose but the blood stain on her left shoulder alarmed her. She slowly approached her commander after picking up the fresh cloth on the table. "Let me clean your wound."

Upon hearing the dragon's voice, Laena looked up but the sight of her queen in such close proximity only made it hard to breath for her.

"It is not something a queen should do." Laena replied weakly and tried to readjust her tunic to cover her chest. However, Daenerys grabbed her bloodstained collar to uncover her wound which made the queen's eyes widen at its bloody sight.

Laena frowned and tried to loosen the queen's grip on her but as she looked up, she saw the stoic expression on Daenerys's face. Sighing defeatedly, she looked away and let the silver queen tend her wound. Daenerys stared at Laena whose jaw clenched tight, eyes closed shut and thought of the Tyrell who beamed at her hours ago with such delight despite looking pale even then. The lady in front of her seemed like a stranger to her in comparison.

The silver queen stepped back from the rose after finishing, "I do not wish to appoint another commander after just naming one."

"Your newest ally looked perfectly capable of filling the position." Laena whispered just enough to be heard by the queen who narrowed her eyes upon hearing the strange remark from her ever so gentle rose. "Are you inferring I made a mistake?" The two women stared at each other for a moment before Laena looked away from her queen once again,
"No, your grace. Forgive me for my rudeness. I seem to be not in my right mind."

"Stop looking away from your queen." Daenerys said loudly, fury evident in her voice. She approached the rose and leaned down, forcing the Tyrell's head to turn to her as she gently palmed Laena's face. The golden orbs she yearned for weeks finally meeting hers as the way she wanted.

Without thinking, Laena pulled down the dragon by her neck to find Daenerys's soft lips. She kissed her with so much passion that her queen surrendered to instantly, unleashing both of their desire for each other. Daenerys positioned herself to straddle the young rose who eagerly pulled her closer by her waist. As she slowly pulled away from the luscious lips of the Tyrell, Daenerys searched for Laena's eyes that fluttered open to reveal the spark she was longing to find in there. This time with a relieved sigh, the queen leaned down to kiss the rose herself.

Laena shuddered beneath her, the rose's lips traveled to her queen's slender neck which elicited a heavenly moan from the dragon. Drunk in passion, Daenerys slowly grinded on the Tyrell whom took her sweet time to nibble on the tender area.

"May I?" Laena whispered in Daenerys's ear as her hands slowly made their way to unclothe the woman in her embrace. The Targaryen nodded out of bliss which made the Tyrell comply with her deepest desire for her lover.

As she set her eyes on her queen's nude form for the first time, Laena knew she would never witness a beauty as breathtaking as her. Without losing a moment, she trailed kisses down to Daenerys's chest and burrowed her face into her firm round breasts. The dragon's face contorted with pleasure while the rose beneath her caressed and devoured her hardened nipples earnestly. Laena picked up the dragon and turned to gently put her lover on her bed. Without breaking their intense stare, the rose took off her remaining clothes while her queen watched her every move.

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