House of Tyrell

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Lord Varys rushed through the gloomy halls of Dragonstone to reach the war room filled with Daenerys's allies and advisors. As the spider tried to catch his breath, all eyes shifted to him out of curiosity. "We got a word that Lannister army is marching towards the Reach, my queen." Varys finally spilled.

Laena's eyes widened upon hearing the news as she immediately thought of her grandmother and nephew in Highgarden. She shifted her eyes to the queen who was already staring at her worriedly.

"Where was the Lannister army last spotted?" Tyrion asked instead as he saw the interaction between the two women.

"On the cross of the Roseroad and Kingsroad. They haven't been marching for too long." Varys told the council and looked at the new commander's way.

"If they are on the Roseroad, their destination will be Highgarden. Redwyne fleet is with me here along with the 20,000 soldiers of the Tyrell army. But the remaining army is still near Highgarden, it should be enough to defeat the Lannisters." Commander said despite her inner despair that what is left of her family is under a threat.

"The Dornish army is at the Kingsgrave. They might be able to join the Tyrell army before they face the lions." Ellaria assured and stepped forward to point the location on the map. "We should use the absence of Lannister army to seize the King's Landing."
Yara nodded to her new lover's suggestion and addressed the queen, "Without Euron's fleet and their army, it is at its weakest."

Daenerys and Tyrion stared at each other with silent agreement. Much to Jon Snow's dismay, the dragon queen ordered siege on the capital where Cersei Lannister is currently on the throne.

"But the army of the dead is nearing us day by day. While we are fighting amongst each other, the winter is coming. We simply do not have the time." Jon Snow told the queen desperately but instead of the queen, Laena Tyrell replied to him, "I believe the wall is there for a reason. Until then, the queen's utmost priority is to reclaim her rightful throne. You should be glad that the war is nearing its end thanks to the Lannister army marching in the open."

Laena curtsied to the queen and left the war room in hurry to prepare the Targaryen fleet for siege.

"Send the Highgarden the news and order them to prepare accordingly. My uncle will lead the army in the battle." Laena ordered to Ser Selmy back at her chamber. As Ludwig rushed out to the tower of ravens, the queen entered the rose's chamber as she cannot sit idly knowing her treasured rose is in suffering.

"Are you feeling alright?" Daenerys questioned the Tyrell who now looks fairly calm compared to her initial expression in the council.

"Yes. Unlike Lannisters or any other kingdoms, Reach has not joined a war until now. Meaning we haven't survived casualties and our men outnumbers theirs." Laena listed down reasonably but the queen looked through her facade. Daenerys reached to the rose and held her hand in which the young Tyrell quivered unwillingly under her gentle touch.

"It is a war, afterall." Her commander whispered sadly.

Couple days later, the dragon queen's council received a confirmation that Lannister army closing in to Highgarden where the Tyrell army is awaiting them at the field of roses. Laena Tyrell continued to show strength and stability in front of her comrades but those closest to her felt her anguishing worry towards her home.

Seeing her commander in such way tugged the heart of the dragon which made the queen to do the unthinkable. Daenerys Targaryen dragged her commander by hand to the familiar cliff where the dragons reside. Tyrion Lannister on their heels as he begs the queen to halt her impulsive decision.

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