The Worth

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On the Kingsroad, the Targaryen and Northern armies marched towards their last common enemy left on the Seven Kingdoms. Laena glanced worriedly towards the carriage where Tyrion Lannister has been sitting uncomfortably under the gaze of Daenerys Targaryen.

Before they left Winterfell, a news of Jaime Lannister's escape caused a tension to form between the queen and her hand. Initially, Daenerys was not on board with Laena's threat towards Tyrion but her current obsession with her plan to take over the Kingslanding made her quite intolerant.

The army halted their march near Moat Cailin to rest for the night. Tyrion caught up with Daenerys who gave him the silent treatment all throughout their journey, "Your grace, please forgive me. I know it's not my first mistake but I really thought he changed."

Despite his desperate attempt to reason with her, Daenerys coldly replied, "Well, you thought wrong. Perhaps I shouldn't value you more than your own family does." With that said, the queen entered her war tent prepared for her without another word.

While Tyrion stood helplessly, Laena approached him as she saw the queen's coldness towards the poor man. "Shall we have a drink?" The hand of the queen turned towards the golden rose who offered him a sympathetic smile.

When he heard of his brother's escape, he was more sad of his brother's betrayal than the commander's threat to his life. However, he half-expected the dragon queen and the commander to stay true to their promise since he knows how ruthless the couple can be when they want. What he never expected was the rose's sympathy towards him. Their relationship had definitely gotten better over the years but never to the extent of offering each other a shoulder to cry on.

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have trusted him." He started after receiving the goblet from Laena. "It's your brother. You had to trust him." The commander's nonchalant reply caused the imp to look up to her.

"Are you being nice because you are going to cut my head off after I am drunk?" Tyrion narrowed his eyes but the laugh of the Tyrell made him even more scared than relieved.

"Of course not. Daenerys doesn't want it either."

"But you promised to execute me if Jaime escapes. And now that he did it despite my head on the line, why wouldn't you?"

Shaking her head, Laena gulped down her wine while the Lannister couldn't take his eyes off of her. "We value your life more than your family, Tyrion. Daenerys and even I think you are a person who is worthy of keeping alive."

The sincere words of the rose made the hand teary as he was truly heartbroken by the betrayal of his only trusted family member. Blinking rapidly to not spill his tears in front of Laena, Tyrion chuckled dryly, "So, you are calling the queen by her name? I must say that is very bold of you, commander."

"Oh, shut it." Laena pushed him softly with burning cheeks as she was embarrassed to be caught calling Daenerys's name so naturally in front of him.

The Lannister laughed wholeheartedly to see the rose's flushed face and continued to drink together.
"Despite what you said, she seems to be displeased with me." Tyrion said while filling Laena's goblet with more wine.

"She is just under a lot of pressure to make her dreams finally come true. That is why I believe it's more important than ever to protect her when she is this fragile."

Understanding what the commander is referring, Tyrion nodded, "That was quite a twist we never expected. But even without your threat, I wouldn't dream to betray her."

"Well, that is the one threat I will stand by truly." Laena said seriously and stood up to join the queen. After bidding good rest to the hand, she entered Daenerys's war tent to see the back of the queen on the bed.

The Dragon and the Rose | Daenerys Targaryen Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang