Dungeons and daggers

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The poisoning of the queen called an immediate meeting of the Small Council in secrecy. Despite refusing to leave the side of her wife, Laena Targaryen was forced to attend by her grandmother, Olenna Tyrell. 

"I made sure no word of the queen's poisoning will leave the Red Keep as you have instructed, my lord." The Master of Whispers, Varys informed the hand of the queen as soon as he stepped into the small council chamber.

Nodding appreciatively, Tyrion said, "Good. As long as she breathes, we must not cause panic among the people."

"In the meantime, we should increase the security around the queen consort. If the queen passes away, she is the only heir to the iron throne." Hobber Redwyne said. As one of the Redwyne twins who led the Tyrell fleet during the war between Queens, he was rewarded the position of Master of Ships.

Her cousin's suggestion of the queen's possible demise angered the queen consort, "She will not pass away, Hobber. If any of you value your life, I must suggest you mind your words." Laena's voice barely above whisper but her intent was evident in her eyes.

Clearing his throat, "Yes, our priority is to find the antidote as soon as we can. We don't know for sure how much longer the queen will stay in her current state." Tyrion said referring to Daenerys's seemingly deep slumber.

"Ha! I expected more from Daenerys Targaryen's small council but you are no better than the morons who sat here before you."

Olenna Tyrell's insult caught the attention of the men, "If we find the culprit, wouldn't you find the antidote faster than that old fart of a maester who is reading his dust covered books?"

At the mention of the culprit who was yet to cross her mind, "Lock the castle. Let no one leave." Laena ordered the Lord Commander of the Queensguard who run out immediately to fulfill the order.

"We must think who could have done such bold, treacherous thing." Tyrion thought out loud.

"Could be anyone. Every lord and ladies of Westeros is here for the wedding."

"No. Sneaking a poison into the queen's chamber is not an easy thing to do and we must not forget they didn't actually kill her. Why leave her unconscious?" Tyrion got up and circled the table.

"Why now? Daenerys Targaryen was crowned months ago. The castle was buzzing with people for a while now. Why right after her wedding?" He continued while pacing around the room.

"Are you suggesting House Tyrell has something to do with it?" Hobber glared at the Lannister, ready to defend his liege lady.

"No, I am not saying House Tyrell is involved. But the queen consort may have a connection to it." Tyrion said with a metaphoric lightbulb on his head.

"That's absurd." Lord Varys tried to dismiss the hand of the queen but to everyone's suprise, Laena said, "Go on."

"Much like the queen herself, her grace attracts the attention of those around her. The queen's poisoning could be a crime of passion considering the timing and the condition of the queen's state."

The realization dawned on the small council as they cannot rule out the possibility of such explanation as the queen consort's popularity is well-known amongst them.

"Lady Stark will never stoop so low. Suspecting her is an insult to her and to her honorable house. She is my friend and she will never do a thing to harm me and my loved ones." Laena said to the Lannister who she thought was hinting Sansa's inclusion in the poisoning.

Shaking his head out of frustration to the rose's oblivion, "I know Lady Stark wouldn't do such thing. But there is another prospect who is more deadly and has terrifying knowledge of poisons, your grace."

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