Mother of Dragons

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Daenerys's decision to forgive her hand of the queen was not received well by her Westerosi allies who already have a considerable resentment towards the House of Lannister.

"Forgive me for failing to consider Greyjoy fleet and crown's intent on the previous plan I made. Thank you Lady Tyrell for kindly correcting my mistakes and saving us all." Tyrion Lannister told the council during the next meeting at the war room.

"Are you sure we can trust him, your grace? For all we know he might have created that plan to aid his siblings by halving your force." Yara Greyjoy's doubt was supported by the Sand Snakes.

"You have all chose to follow me and I am choosing to give him one more chance. But no more." Daenerys said the last part directly at her hand who is looking down with shame. He knows in this room being a Lannister is worse than being a dwarf.

Tyrion accepted that he failed to account his sister's actions as he is always been a diplomat more than a warrior as Laena Tyrell pointed out last time.

"What do you purpose we do, moving forward?" Ellaria Sand asked the Lady Tyrell after she noticed the finality in the queen's tone regarding the matter of her hand's incompetency. The question caught the young rose off guard as she debates whether it is wise to voice out her opinion without the approval of the queen. Laena looked up to see Daenerys who nodded her to speak as she is curious of Laena's plan for the war of the queens as well.

"I believe it is best if we track down Euron Greyjoy's fleet and demand him to surrender."

"He will never do that. Even if he does, that cunning bastard will kill us all at the first chance." Yara interrupted.

"Then we should deal with him first before he arrives at King's Landing. The current fleet we have here should be enough if your dragons could assist. I believe using at least one of your dragons would bring swift victory as well as a warning message to lords and ladies of Westeros who are leaning towards Cersei's side." Laena shifted her gaze to Tyrion, expecting him to disagree with using dragons.

However, the hand kept quiet as he knows burning down an army is expected at times of war since he did the same to Stannis Baratheon's fleet at the Battle of Blackwater Bay.

"Dornish army should march north to the Reach and join the Tyrell army in the mean time. It will work both as a united defense against Lannisters and a military camp ready for the queen as there is no benefit in Dornish army staying at Sunspear." Laena addressed Ellaria Sand who nodded but questioned, "Then when will we attack the King's Landing?"

"Without a strong fleet of Greyjoys, Cersei cannot receive aid from outside of Westeros. Our army outnumbers hers and we should keep it that way. After locking her in, we should eliminate every supporting force of the Lannisters until there is only King's Landing standing alone." Laena picked up the lion marker on the war table to put it on the King's Landing.

"I will not offer you a swift revenge, my lady. But I will uproot every Lannister ally in the Seven Kingdoms once and for all. I will leave Cersei Lannister weak, desperate and defenseless for you. Afterall, killing her would be an instant mercy to her. Would you want that?" Lady Tyrell approached Ellaria Sand to lock eyes with her.

"No. Her death should be long and painful." Ellaria whispered which Laena nodded as an agreement before shifting her attention to their queen.
Daenerys simply said, "You may proceed." to give Laena's plan her approval.

"May I have a word, Lady Tyrell." Tyrion Lannister approached the rose as she was walking to her chamber after the council meeting.

"I would rather not. But I heard you are a persistent man." Laena opened the doors to her chamber and motioned the Lannister to enter.

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