A Targaryen

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The queen's proposal to Lady of Highgarden took the Seven Kingdoms by surprise as they have never seen a Targaryen queen let alone one with a wife. However, Daenerys's resilient conquest left no one powerful left alone to stand in her way.

First, it was the change of law to allow female head of houses to keep their name which was hard to object due to the powerful head of houses that were currently in power. Now, she is initiating and allowing women to wed with each other. It was truly a time to be alive at Westeros.

However, the question of who will succeed Daenerys Targaryen, the first of her name loomed around the high court. Now that the queen is wedding Laena Tyrell instead of a suitable lord whom could assist the silver queen to continue the Targaryen name, it was a puzzle everyone was focused on while they awaited the brides in question at the throne room.

In front of her throne, Daenerys Targaryen stood with her eyes focused on the closed doors of the hall. Tyrion Lannister, the queen's hand stood next to her as he was the one officiating the wedding due to the lack of support from the Faith of the Seven.

Targaryens and the Faith had dispute with each other from the time of Aegon Targaryen. First, they protested against the Targaryen custom of incest marriages and now they are objecting the union of the queen and the commander. However, many believe they wouldn't succumb to starting another civil war after how they perished at the Great Sept of Baelor under the order of Cersei Lannister. The era of women truly terrified them.

"Your grace." The lord of Casterly Rock called the attention of the queen. Daenerys looked down to see the man sending her an encouraging smile. Tyrion could see the nerves of the dragon who is creating a new chapter in the history of the realm. He knows it is not an easy feat to pave a new path through her actions and ideals. However, he served his queen because he believed that she could and she did.

The sound of horns announced the entrance of the bride who walked in with her grandmother, Olenna Tyrell. The woman who lost one of her granddaughters as a Baratheon queen, now escorting another to become a queen to a Targaryen. Despite the tragedy that teared the old woman down, she raised her descendants to become worthy rulers.

"We are here to unite the great houses of Westeros through the union of Daenerys Targaryen and Laena Tyrell." Tyrion started after Laena joined the side of her soon-to-be wife.

"I have seen them fight for each other. I have seen them stand by each other through everything including the war between the dead and the living. Hatred and jealousy has inflicted great pain in our realm. But the love between them has played a great role in uniting the torn kingdoms of Westeros. And with the wish that their love will continue to lead us to peace and prosperity, I shall now pronounce them as Queen Daenerys Targaryen and Queen consort Laena Targaryen. May they live long and loving life together." He finished as Daenerys put a Targaryen cloak on Laena who kneeled before her queen.

As Laena rose before her as her consort, Daenerys couldn't help but to smile widely with tearful eyes. After all she has gone through, now she is the queen she has always wanted to be with a loving wife that stood beside her throughout everything as Tyrion said in his speech. It was all she has ever dreamed and more.

"Your graces. Congratulations." The Lady Greyjoy approached them with Ellaria Sand behind her. Daenerys and Laena nodded appreciatively to Yara who traveled from Pyke to be present at their wedding.

"Lady Ellaria." Laena called the Dornish woman who stood silently. Ever since Arya Stark ripped her from the pleasure of murdering Cersei Lannister, Ellaria was like a beast who failed its hunt, not satisfied to quench its bloodlust.

Proving her intuition right, Ellaria bowed out of custom but didn't say another word. The queen shrugged it off to not bother herself on such joyous day but her consort had a terrible feeling upon locking eyes with the snake.

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