Wounded wolf

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"Battle of Blackwater Bay", they called it. Despite odds and prayers of Laena, Stannis failed to seize the city before the joined army of Tyrell and Lannister came to rescue the King's Landing.

After the news of Margaery and Joffrey Baratheon's engagement traveled through Westeros, 100 wagons filled with Reach's produce were sent to the capital every day. Ever since Tyrells sided with Renly at the beginning of the war of five kings, common people of capital were suffering greatly of starvation and exhaustion. Now that the eldest daughter of Tyrells is promised to become the queen of Seven Kingdoms, the Reach has opened its Roseroad to feed the unfortunate ones per order of the soon-to-be queen.

"Feeding the poor and flaunting her kindness and beauty to the common people. She must be living the life she dreamt of ever since she was little." Laena said after Loras briefly reported Margaery's whereabouts to Olenna when the Tyrell household got reunited at King's Landing.

"What have you found of that King?" Olenna questioned the heir of Highgarden.
"He has been polite and respectful to us, grandmother."
"Of course, he would. What kind of moron would show their true colors to their savior nonetheless." Olenna Tyrell scoffed, as a loving grandmother she was deeply curious of Joffrey Baratheon.

"Wasn't he engaged to Lord Stark's daughter? What of her, Loras?" Usually disinterested Laena asked.
"She is still here. Her brother is still at war with the Lannisters. She can't go home even if she wishes to, no?"

"Yes. Only a fool would lose a girl who can put a claim on North, if tragedy befall on her brother." Olenna nodded.

"Loras, escort her to my tea party in the garden tomorrow. Personally." She exaggerated the last word so her grandson could take his role as an heir of Tyrell for once.

"Who could know better the true face of the king than his prisoner." Laena said to herself which Olenna nodded, satisfied with her treasured rose's intuition.


Laenna saw the long anticipated Stark girl walking towards them with her sister. The long red hair of house Tully is evident as much as the beauty the young Stark girl holds. Laenna stared at the interaction as Margaery introduced the girl to their grandmother. Judging by their faces, her grandmother must be saying something witty and amusing to the girl.

Soon after they relocated to the back where they can be in private, away from the ears of others. Laena decided not to join them as she find no pleasure in interrogating the girl for the sake of her sister. But Laena knows Olenna is determined to take the reign of their household this time as they found no glory following her oatfaced son, Mace. Also, she knows how much Olenna loves Margaery and they have heard some terrible tales of Joffrey. So it is given how much interested Tyrells are in knowing the so-called king.

"So, what have you heard?" Laena joined the other Tyrell women after Sansa Stark returned to her chambers.

"Apparently, the boy is more vicious than we heard." Olenna huffed.

"She was truly terrified. That poor thing." Margaery said with a far away look, undoubtedly calculating her next moves.

"I am guessing the wedding will still take place?" Laena looked between her grandmother and sister. "Of course." Olenna said dismissively while her sister just stares at her as if she is asking are you sincerely posing such question. Expected their answers beforehand, Laena simply sat down and served herself a piece of lemon cake.


"Knowing her, she must be using her new intelligence to seduce that monster of a king by now." Laena told Verana Selmy, Ludwig's sister back at her chambers.

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