Her queen (M)

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At last, Laena Tyrell stood in front of the wooden door with hesitancy evident in her composure. Taking one last breath, she squared her shoulders and entered the chambers in one swift move. Her gaze immediately met her queen's whose patience was running thin at the absence of her commander.

Daenerys Targaryen was seated on the fur covered chair across the bed with nothing but her thin layered nightgown. Her hand held a goblet which she brought it to her lips slowly without breaking their stare. Laena gulped as her mouth suddenly felt dry under the intensity of the queen's gaze. Perhaps it was the heat from the fireplace, illuminating the room dimly with its warm tone or perhaps the commander knew the queen's dissatisfaction of late might have ignited the fire inside of her.

"I take that you have been accompanying Lady Stark until now?" Daenerys posed a question calmly as she puts her goblet down, revealing her chest to the Tyrell.

The commander's eyes instinctively fell on to the queen's nipples piercing through the white fabric that hardly covered any part of the queen properly. Laena closed her eyes as she could literally hear the straps of her restraints snapping inside of her. The fear of the dragon's fury that caused her hesitancy has long gone as she fell right into to the dirty trap set by the queen instead.

Daenerys smirked at the Tyrell's reaction but her game of love has just started. She approached the rose and gently caressed her face much like how Sansa was touching her earlier today.

"Answer me." She whispered before connecting her lips to the soft skin of Laena's neck where she left teasing kisses. "N..no" was the only thing Laena could mutter as the queen's hand began to unloosen the straps of the commander's clothing.

Daenerys pushed the rose to their bed and straddled her stomach in a swift motion. The tight nightgown rode up to her hips to reveal her throbbing wet center to the commander. Laena instinctively ran her hands through the queen's thighs, digging her nails softly at the sight of her queen's sex. Daenerys gripped the soft hair of Laena to pull her eyes up to meet her own. Once the golden orbs fall on her and her alone, she leaned down to taste the lips she has been denied far too long for her desire.

Laena gripped the queen's hips as they began to grind against each other amid their bruising kiss. Daenerys pulled back to stare at the commander again as she finds a delightful rhythm to rock her hips. As her pace fastens, it was hard to keep her eyes on Laena but Daenerys loved to watch the rose's face who in this moment belongs only to her. It made her feel like fire in her blood spreads through her body with intensity she never felt with her previous lovers.

Daenerys bit her lip at the sight of the commander whose chest was falling up and down with every thrust of her hips. The golden orbs dilated to the point which only golden circles remained. The queen grabbed Laena's hands to bring them to her breasts that are aching for the commander's touch. The Tyrell leaned up to replace one of her hands with her lips, swirling her tongue around the stiff bud before biting it lightly which earned her a moan of the queen.

As the queen start to feel her core clench, she pushed the commander down forcefully and wrapped her fingers around Laena's throat. "Do you love her?" She panted above whisper which widened the eyes of the commander who frowned at the question.

"Tell me." The queen moaned as she began to rock even harder and faster to chase after her building orgasm. Laena was barely able to say, "No." before the dragon riding her collapsed on her with a satisfied sigh.

However, the frown on the commander's face hasn't ceased as she put together the suspicion the dragon had of her. The distrust of Daenerys almost felt insulting to her as she laid her eyes on no one but her since the day they met at Meereen. With a new found fury, Laena pushed the queen off of her as she leaves their bed to reach for the wine but no drink seem to can heal the wounded pride of hers.

Daenerys felt her lover returning as the rose lowered herself to meet her lips roughly, invading her mouth with her tongue. The Tyrell bit down her lips harshly before whispering, "Turn around. Face down. On your knees, your grace." The sudden command suprised her but as Laena pulled back to stand on her feet with a clenched jaw, she decided to comply.

Hesitantly, the queen took the requested position that flushed her face with embarrassment and anticipation. She felt her lover gripping her ass from behind which arosed another moan from her throat.

"So, you have questioned my love for you, your grace?" Laena whispered while continuing to rub the soft cheeks of her queen's behind. Immersed by the new sensation, Daenerys failed to answer which earned her a harsh slap instead of a gentle caress. Laena gripped the same cheek roughly, "I asked a question, my queen."

"N-no, I didn't." Daenerys answered finally after receiving another slap on her other side. Laena clicked her tongue, obviously dissatisfied with her response. "Lies." She said and gave the queen five more slaps consecutively. Her hand print left on the soft cheeks which left the queen gripping the sheets tightly in her fists. The stinging on her ass, the humiliating position and her lover's sudden dominance all felt too overwhelming but pleasing to the queen as she rubs her thighs together unknowingly.

"I believe you are enjoying your punishment far too much, your grace." Laena said as she touches the queen's inner thigh to coat her finger with Daenerys's juices running down from her sex. Without hesitation, Laena brought it to her lips to savor the taste of her queen.

Daenerys gasped sharply as she felt her lover's tongue on her most intimate part, ravishly exploring her folds with much desire. She bucked her hips backwards to meet the rose's thrusts. The queen's moans filled the chamber as she neared her another climax but right before her release Laena pulled herself back abruptly, halting her release.

"Never question my love for you, Daenerys." She said before pushing two of her fingers into the queen, causing her back to arch. Laena brought her hand down on Daenerys's ass one more time as she fastens her pace.

"Laena...Laena...god." Daenerys muffled her moans into the pillow but Laena wished to hear them. She pulled the queen up by her hair to put the queen's head on her shoulder, bringing the sweet sound to her ears.

As she grips Daenerys's breasts roughly while biting her neck, she whispered, "I am yours, Daenerys. Yours alone. Yours forever."

"Mine...Oh...god. Please...don't stop."

Her lover's confession and overdue orgasm rippled through the queen's entire body soon enough as she came undone with a scream, "LAENA!"

They pulled away both out of breath, collapsing on the bed at the same time. With her fury subsided over hearing her name called so passionately by the queen, Laena lovingly tucked away few strands of hair from the queen's face. "I love it when you call my name." Daenerys said between heavy breaths.
"Daenerys?" Laena questioned which made the beautiful eyes of the queen to meet hers. The queen nodded and turned to the rose to circle her arms around her.

"Say it again." She said before leaving a soft peck on Laena's lips. The Tyrell grinned mischievously but refused to comply which earned her ten more pecks before a pouty queen that attempted to escape her embrace.

Laena chuckled lightly as she kissed her queen's forehead, "I love you, Daenerys."

"I love you, too."

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