Lady of Highgarden

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A month has passed since the wildfire at the Sept of Baelor. Tommen Baratheon took his own life following Margaery's death, leaving the crown to Cersei Lannister.

Drowned by grief and anger after becoming Lady of Highgarden, last living heir of Mace Tyrell, Laena immersed herself in vigorous training and guilt drinking. She refused to see anyone besides Ludwig Selmy for sparring sessions.

"My lady. It is Verana. She is in labor." Ludwig rushed into Laena's chambers as she was once again soothing her broken heart with Dornish wine. Upon hearing the news, Laena jumped up and let Ludwig escort her to Verana. As the two neared the young Selmy girl's door, a wail of a babe woke Laena from her hazed mind. Lady of House Tyrell rushed inside and greeted by the midwives running around the room.

"It is a boy, my lady." A maid approached her and showed the newborn to her lady. Laena immediately held the boy into her arms as tears run through her cheeks.

"Has my grandmother returned?" Laena spoke her first words as Lady of Highgarden since she has not said anything after inheriting the title. Olenna Tyrell received an invitation to visit the Dorne and Laena did not interfere as she knows too well both of them are trying to mend their own hearts in their own ways.

"Yes, my lady."

Laena approached Verana and put the newborn by her side gently. Upon looking at the new mother of her nephew, Laena lowered herself to kiss the forehead of her friend.

"Ah, good. You are here." Olenna Tyrell said welcoming the lady of Highgarden to her chambers as if she was expecting the younger one's arrival.

"Walk with me." Laena complied with her grandmother's request as they headed to an old chamber behind the Great Hall.

"I have prepared this armor for you and this..." Olenna showed her a golden armor with Tyrell sigil craved on the chest plate. "This is the ancestral sword of house Tyrell. Your father was not worth carrying it. Your brother, too." The queen of thorns passed her a longsword with pitch black handle with a golden rose.

"The Dragon's Thorn. A valerian steel granted to house Tyrell by Aegon Targaryen."

"I never knew we had an ancestral sword." Laena wielded the sword and stared back at her grandmother.

"Well, Lords of House Tyrell were never the wisest nor the strongest. There haven't been many who had the will and strength to carry such sword in their lifetime. But you are different, my dear. You are worthy." Olenna Tyrell nodded satisfied as she looked at her treasured rose.

"I appreciate these, nana. But is there any reason I should be preparing for a war." Laena questioned as she is curious why Olenna went to Sunspear.

"I met with the spider again in Dorne."

"Lord Varys?" Laena remembering the nickname of the former Master of Whispers.

"Yes, he and Ellaria Sand promised me a vengeance through Daenerys Targaryen." Young Tyrell's eyes widened upon hearing the name of the last Targaryen.

As she was filling in her father's shoe for the past year, there have been many things she wished to do using her house's resources and influence. Main one was to aid Sansa Stark as she battled against Bolton's to reclaim her household at Winterfell. Another was to serve the cause of a noble one instead of Lannisters who proved to be vicious snakes as she feared. But she lacked the power and control to pursue her wishes before but now she is the Warden of the South. Nodding to her grandmother as she too wish to take revenge of her family, Laena exited the hall to summon her vassals and sworn house heads to Highgarden.

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