The last dragon

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The great pyramid of Meereen's sight overjoyed the Tyrell fleet, ending their weeks of voyage across the Narrow sea.

"It is my honor to welcome you to Meereen, Lady Tyrell. I hope the sea was not too harsh on your journey here." The infamous spider, Varys greeted Laena by the dock. The moment she heard of him in the garden of Red Keep seemed not too long ago but she no longer has the privilege to hide in the shadows of her house, refusing to play the game of thrones.

"It wasn't, Lord Varys. Seeing as you are advising the Dragon queen now, is it safe to assume your rescued prisoner is here as well?" Laena questioned referring to Tyrion Lannister, the imp.

"Lord Tyrion became a trusted advisor to the queen, my lady. I understand your hostility towards the Lannisters but I give you my word that he is different from his family." Varys replied as he escorted the head of Tyrell army to the great pyramid where Daenerys Targaryen is waiting their arrival.

"Tell me Lord Varys, how is a man who murdered his own father different from his siblings sacking the Seven Kingdoms as we speak." Laena challenged in which Varys replied, "He had his reasons, my lady." 
"Everything has a reason. That doesn't justify anything." Laena stared at the man who looked down and opened the door to the hall.

Tyrell army heads led by Laena Tyrell entered to see a silver-haired woman sitting on a stone throne on top of the stairs. Laena's eyes widened as she remembered her dream of white dragon turning into a woman. Daenerys Targaryen was the woman in her dreams who received her blood oath.

As she was dazed by the unexpected coincidence,
"... and Mother of Dragons." She heard the last part of the queen's introduction.

"She is Laena of House Tyrell, Lady of Highgarden, Lord Paramount of Reach and the Warden of the South." Laena came back to her senses as Ludwig introduced her to the Dragon Queen.

"I thank you for your long journey, my lady." Laena heard Daenerys's voice for the first time.

"My queen." Laena knelt down on her one knee as she said my queen which felt right in her heart. Ser Selmy and the Redwyne twins who stood behind her also kneeled, following her action.

"I shall shed every drop of my blood for you." Laena promised without thinking which astonished everyone in the hall.

Daenerys, too did not expected the beautiful young woman in golden armor to swear an oath to her on their first meeting. As far as she was informed, House Tyrell is one of the great houses of Seven Kingdoms who rule the Reach and the Tyrells including the previous queen were murdered by Cersei Lannister. Hence, their alliance to her along with the Dorne is mostly out of vengeance against the Lannisters.

"You may rise, my lady. I should thank you for your pledge to my house." Daenerys once again expressed her gratitude as she was lectured by Tyrion the importance of having Tyrells on their side due to their army and resources.

"How many ships have you brought, my lady?"
Tyrion Lannister asked her. Laena shifted her gaze to him but her eyes narrowed and jaws clenched without her intention. The last she saw him was on his day of marriage with Sansa at King's Landing. The memory of the forsaken day and the despair of her friend was still fresh on her mind.

"300 ships, my queen. But that is just part of our navial fleet to escort you back to Westeros. The main force of the army is well prepared and ready to march to anywhere under your command." Selmy answered instead sensing his lady's hostility towards the Lannister.

"Ah, and you are?" Tyrion imposed the question.

"Ser Ludwig Selmy, Vice commander of the Knights of Reach under Lady Tyrell." Ludwig bowed down.

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