War and love

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"Tell me about Highgarden." Daenerys asked Laena as the two were conversing late at night at the queen's cabin after their nightly study session.

"Well, it is a very beautiful castle surrounded by golden roses and green fields which inspired my house sigil." Laena smiled fondly at the last part which also put a curious smile on her queen's face.

The young women despite bringing war upon the realm, seem to forget all when they are in each other's company as it became custom for them to talk about each other's past after studying.

"What is it?" Daenerys questioned as she finds herself enjoying the young Tyrell's sudden innocent look full of fondness for whatever struck her mind.

"It is just my grandmother despises our sigil and house words. She always says a kraken and a dragon is fearsome and intimidating while ours is... a simple rose and here I am with those fearsome beasts on a same ship." Laena found the realization quite ironic.

"Well, I think your house sigil suits you." Daenerys said seriously and put her hand gently on top of the young Tyrell's hand unknowingly, making the air between them thicken. Laena's smile disappeared slowly and she looked up to see her queen's soft gaze on her. Moment passed in silence as if a tranquil spell has cast on the dragon and the rose.

"It is late. I should go to my cabin." Laena retracted her hand first and stood up abruptly, breaking the trance they both surrendered to unwillingly despite their position as a queen and a lady.

"Of course." Daenerys followed the other woman's actions. "Your grace." Laena curtsied by the door before vanishing into the darkness of the night on sea.

After the Lady Tyrell retired for the night, Daenerys Targaryen was left alone with her thoughts. Last few days they have spent together were quite delightful to her as she found both a teacher and a friend in Laena.

The young Tyrell is well versed in history of Westeros and she proved herself intelligent in the field of politics as well. Laena taught the last dragon the ways of her people's lives including the nobility in an attempt to prepare Daenerys for her arrival at the Seven Kingdoms. All of Laena's efforts were appreciated by the queen but the moment she had with Tyrell girl just now astonished Daenerys. It felt quite different than what one should feel for a friend as she recalled how she found Laena's genuine smile endearing to the point she didn't realized she initiated the touch herself.

"What is the matter, my queen?" Tyrion asked as he found the queen deep in thoughts next morning. He considered the possibility of nerves as they are nearing to Dragonstone day by day. Even though the Daenerys Targaryen he knows has gone above and beyond to reclaim her rightful throne, he knows fear is expected from everyone marching into a war.

"Nothing." Daenerys answered shortly upon startled by Tyrion's voice.

The hand of the queen stared thoughtfully for a second but decided it is not wise to question the queen in front of her council. However, he caught Daenerys stealing glances at Laena Tyrell who is quiet and collected as always during the meeting. As her hand, he is aware of the nightly sessions but deemed it is beneficial to the queen to learn from a highborn lady like Laena on the subject of high society and norms within the court.

"You should be careful, your grace." Tyrion finally voiced out his concern after requesting private audience with the queen. Daenerys shifted her eyes to the Lannister quizzically.

"I understand Lady Tyrell has undeniable charms appreciated by both men and women. No one could possibly blame you since you won't be the first lady to find it so."

"What are you inferring?" Daenerys asked but the familiar hardness in her voice evident to the Lannister.

"I'm just saying she is a valuable asset to us. To be fair, she did not come to us to reclaim her lost seat or sided with us after overthrowing her rightful ruler and murdering people in her court. When we arrive at Westeros, she will be the only noble lady who acknowledged your claim to the eyes of the people. All of us except her is a foreign queen with slave army supported my exiles, imps and bastards to them." He explained referring to the support of Greyjoys and the Sand snakes.

"Yara Greyjoy is the chosen heir of her father. Doesn't that make her the rightful ruler of Iron Islands?" Mother of Dragons challenged.

"It does but you can't deny that ironborns chose Euron Greyjoy over her for the salt throne themselves." Tyrion reasoned which dragon queen found no fault in.

"All I'm saying is you should be more thoughtful when associating with Lady Tyrell. You can't afford any mistakes if you want to win the war." Tyrion stared at the dragon queen cautiously and excused himself.

The queen's trouble was shared by Laena at her own cabin since last night. Unlike the dragon, Lady Tyrell was aware of her feelings sprouted for her queen.

However, beaten by her noble nature, her feelings were hidden in the depths of her heart, tormented by the desire to be with the dragon every breath she takes. Despite her struggle, the moment they shared together last night almost made the young girl surrender to her ache for the queen.

"You shouldn't have volunteered to teach her, my lady. It only got you uselessly closer to the queen." Ludwig sighed after witnessing his lady's somber look all day.

"She should learn those things and I was the only one who could teach her. It was my duty to assist my queen as her advisor." It was true that Laena did not regret the nights she spent with Daenerys while silently growing the feelings inside of her. Not trying to argue for her wellbeing as he is aware Laena will always do the noble thing, "What do you purpose to do from now on?" Ludwig asked the rose.

"I should take a distance from her. If not, I may not be able to hold these feelings inside."

The knight looked at her lady's sad smile and felt a knot form in his stomach as he wished not to see her sullen state again after the misfortunes she has experienced so far.

"It is all for the realm. For her." Laena whispered and stared at her reflection on her armor. A war and love cannot possibly result in a happy ending, she said to herself for the nth time.

Lady of Highgarden stayed true to her words and continued to teach the dragon at nights but with utmost caution. Their casual conversations after their study session halted with polite excuses to rest more to prepare for their arrival at Dragonstone. Daenerys followed the young Tyrell's sudden shift of character as she decided to heed the advice of her hand as well.

"This should be our last night of study since we will be arriving at Dragonstone tomorrow, your grace." Laena said as she closed the book and immediately stood up to take her leave.

"Thank you for all your trouble, Lady Tyrell." Daenerys expressed her gratitude still seated.

"It was my pleasure. Soon, they will write books and songs of your conquest and reign. " Lady of Highgarden allowed herself to smile genuinely for this time. Laena knelt down on her knee much like their first encounter at Meereen and held the queen's hand to bring it to her soft lips. "I will make sure of that, my queen." Laena Tyrell whispered before leaving the Daenerys's cabin for the last time.

The council of the Dragon queen stared at the great castle of Targaryens as it became clear on the horizon next day. The stronghold of mighty dragons and place where the last dragon herself was born. Laena witnessed the Targaryen army throwing out the Baratheon banners infiltrated the castle to replace them with three-headed red dragon on the field of black, announcing to the realm that the dragons are back. Daenerys Targaryen looked at the throne her ancestors built while Laena and her advisors followed her every move. She turned to the war room without sitting on the throne of Dragonstone, her intention clear on the iron throne.
"Shall we begin?" Daenerys Targaryen said, declaring the start of the war of queens.

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