Warden of the North

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On the same cliff Daenerys and Laena flew to the field of roses, Tyrion Lannister awaited their return to Dragonstone. The queen and commander sent raven announcing their victory along with the news of their war captive, the kingslayer.

Jaime Lannister was always a beloved brother to Tyrion much opposite of Cersei who despises him with utmost sincerity. Now that his brother is held captive by none other than Daenerys Targaryen whose father was murdered by Jaime, Tyrion could only pray the dragon queen will be reasonable. While anxiously awaiting, the hand of the queen tries to console himself as it is a good sign his queen has not already beheaded his brother. It may be due to the council of Laena Tyrell who have proved her excellence in warfare. Nevertheless, it is more than he hoped as he entered the war of queens against his very own siblings.

"Here they are." Missandei cut the deep thoughts of the hand. Soon enough the Targaryen dragons landed with might that shook their grounds. Laena Tyrell jumped down from Viserion to Drogon's side in a rush. While the welcoming party stood curious of the commander's action, their curiosity soon changed into realization upon seeing her loosening the rope that binded the captive to Drogon's tail. When she approached her advisors, Daenerys seemed unperturbed to have traveled with Jaime Lannister tied to her dragon's tail from the Reach.

"Your grace, welcome back." Tyrion started but his attention soon shifted to Jaime who threw up as soon as Laena released the gag from his mouth.

"I...tried but we didn't had much choice." Laena addressed Tyrion worriedly since she wasn't in favor of queen's choice to bring the kingslayer this way. The hand could only swallow loudly as he met the queen's challenging gaze.

"While you were away, the king in the North received a raven from his sister. He has been restless since then, your grace." Missandei informed as they walked back to the castle.

The mention of Sansa caught Laena's attention as she always held a guilt towards being helpless to her friend since they departed ways in purple wedding. Due to her resilience, she found out Sansa stayed in the Vale after disappearing without a word. However, during the time of her betrothal to Ramsay Bolton and her reclaim of Winterfell, Laena was at her weakest without power and in worry towards her own family suffering at the hands of the sparrows.


"May I have a word, my lady." Raspy voice heard behind Laena. The commander was watching the Daenerys's dragons flying outside when Jon Snow joined her couple days later.

"I haven't had the pleasure to introduce myself to you. I have heard much about you from my sister."
Laena sighed and turned to the king who seems desperate to catch her attention. The dark hair and eyes that has no resemblance to Sansa Stark. A true image of a Northern man.

"Yes. You are quite a busy person to find in Dragonstone, my lady. Two battles you have won before our eyes." Seaworth added on to his king. He seems to be a man who tries to lighten the conversations of his brooding, serious king.

"How is she?" The Tyrell asked with hesitation evident on her face as she deems herself unworthy to ask such question. However, she had no desire to indulge the awkward flattery the northsmen were trying on her.

"She is safe at home. But for now, I'm afraid." Jon sighed out of relief as Laena cut their poor attempt of beating around the bush. He was always a straightforward man but the crown landed on his head needs him to try such blarney in the guise of politics according to his hand.

Laena stayed silent since the bastard king's intention to approach her seems clear. She is no longer that helpless girl who cannot reach out to her friend in need. However, she is in the middle of a war and betraying the dragon queen is not a choice for her.

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