Claims and accusations

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Some say truly loving someone is a choice. It is not quite similar to falling in love or feeling drawn to someone all of a sudden as they sweep us out of our feets in a sudden flame of passion. But what happens after the fire is out as all is temporary in our human nature. True love starts when you fall out of love, when you have to make constant choices and dedication to be by our loved one's side no matter what. To listen to them without self-obstructed judgement. To stay with them and wake up with them every morning. Thus, truly loving is not an easy feat as it requires one to grow out of their shells, customs and comfort.

However, falling in love is a sweet poison that enriches your soul and swells your heart. Though it does not guarantees eternity, it sure does make one happy even at the looming shadows of death.

Perhaps, Laena was the only one to welcome the cold morning of Winterfell with a smile as everyone else dreads another day closing into the Great War. "Good morning." She whispered with her smile still plastered on her fair face as soon as the queen in her embrace stirred awake.

Daenerys reciprocated the morning greeting but refused to start her day as she found more pleasure in snuggling with her commander despite both of their duties to the people. The Tyrell mindlessly stroked the silver hair while the queen hummed appreciatively. In that moment, nothing seemed to matter to them as it is one of the deadly effects of love they have confessed for each other previous night.

"I must go, Daenerys." Laena said gently but chuckled a bit which caught her queen's attention.
"Your name tastes like a poetry on my lips. Foreign but beautiful. Addictive yet wishful. Much like you, my love." Laena kissed Daenerys's forehead after receiving a questioning glance from her.

The queen blushed but tried to hide her flushing cheeks in the crook of her lover's neck. Everything felt right and even their heartbeats seem to be in sync as another moment passed with peaceful silence between them.

"We have a duty to uphold, your grace. I must aid Sansa today as she has overwhelming responsibilities now that our army has joined hers." Laena tried again but the name of the Lady Stark did not sit well with the queen. She never had to compete for love ever in her life. Much like her birthright her love interests were drawn to her unconditionally and exclusively. Drogo was her husband who took the sacred vow with her. Daario's interest and attention focused on her only for years they have spent together in the Bay of Dragons.

Yet, even after hearing the declaration of love from the rose in her arms, she could not help but to feel Laena is not truly hers and hers alone. Call it a possessiveness of a dragon but she never felt this anxious over her lover ever before. It might be due to the glances her commander receives wherever she goes effortlessly or Daenerys knows that the owners of said glances do not know fair Laena belongs to her.

"If you must insist, go." The queen said and pushed the commander weakly as the chain of thoughts she just created in her mind weighed on her conscience.

Daenerys's childish antics doubled the adoration Laena felt for her as she leaned forward to leave one last kiss lovingly on the pouting queen's lips before escaping their bed with great effort.


The winds of winter seemed even colder today as Laena joined Sansa Stark at the gates of Winterfell.

"Were you able to sleep last night?" Sansa questioned as they start their stroll which widened Laena's eyes. The innocent question stirred her guilty conscience that happily replayed last night's events. Shaking her head, "What do you mean?" Laena asked after clearing her throat loudly.

Sansa turned her head to Laena as she worried the commander might have caught a cold, "The queen's chamber must be hard to sleep in, isn't it? Given her demanding personality." She whispered the last part more to herself.

The Dragon and the Rose | Daenerys Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now