Lion's den

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"He is such a splendid fighter. Why won't you join him, my lady?" Sansa asked Laena as they were watching Loras spar with Ludwig in an outing Margaery invited them to bond over. 

"Too many eyes are in Red Keep. Until my dearest sister's wedding, we, Tyrells must be at our best behavior." Laena answered with a hint of sarcasm which Margaery rolled her eyes playfully in response. Sansa found the interaction between sisters quite amusing and endearing.

"Do you have any idea when we might..." Sansa did not finish the sentence as she is both in a hurry to join the Tyrell family but scared of others finding out their secret arrangement.

"I'll plant the seed as soon as Joffrey and I are married. It should grow quickly." Margaery confidently assured the Stark girl while watching her brother spar.

"Joffrey won't let me leave. He's got too many reasons to keep me here." Sansa sighed just in time to witness Loras Tyrell defeating Ludwig Selmy. Laena stared at the girl pitifully but commended her intelligence for not falling into the abyss of hope mindlessly at the first sign of her way out.

"Hopefully, he will find one good reason to let you go." Laena said with a knowing smirk towards her elder sister.

"Yes, because it will please me." Margaery reciprocated Laena's playful tone which lightened the mood of the Stark girl.

"Squire!" Loras's voice heard and Laena watched young blonde man rushing to her brother. She can tell when her brother takes interest in another and the subtle touch they exchanged as well as Loras's eyes were enough to raise her suspicions.

It troubled her to see her brother carelessly showing his side of weakness in lion's den but she could not help but to feel relieved that her brother is seemingly mending his broken heart.

"My lady." Ludwig joined Laena's side as she watched her brother smiling at the strange man.
"Find out who that squire is, Ludwig."

Laena knows the lions have been informed of Tyrells befriending Sansa since she is always followed by guards when they meet. Considering the Lannisters' greedy nature she can only expect they would not easily share their key to the North with Tyrells no matter how graciously generous they have been to the Lannisters so far.


Red keep is ever so busy with the preparations of royal wedding that Olenna Tyrell extravagantly planned. Despite the bustling city, Laena was able to avoid certain interactions she despised with highborns that is usually expected from her. Youngest Tyrell spent her days quietly reading in her chambers with few exceptions in which she accompanied Olenna or strolled with Sansa through the garden.

"My lady, it was Lord Baelish. I saw the squire entering his brothel." Ludwig rushed into her chambers as she was preparing to dine with her family, proving her worst intuition right.
Laena stormed into the dining room and held her brother's shoulders which raised the curiosity of her family right away.

"Did you tell that squire about our plans to marry you and Sansa?" Laena asked.

"Who?... Olyvar?" Loras looks taken aback by his sister's sudden harsh behavior.

"Yes. That squire you are fucking. Loras!" Laena shook him with desperation as Loras looked down full of shame. Laena hopelessly let him go as her heart breaks for the poor Sansa who must be dreaming of her escape at her sleep.

Immediately understanding the situation, Margaery stared at her younger sister questioningly.
"That squire was Petyr Baelish's spy. The Lannisters must be hearing of our plan as we speak." Laena informed the others.

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