The Great War

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In the Great Hall of Winterfell, lords and ladies of the North along with their noble guests from the South pierced the man standing in the middle with their unforgiving gazes. Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer had been brought before Daenerys Targaryen by her own hand, Tyrion.

"When I was little, my brother used to tell me bedtime stories about the man who murdered our father. Who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat. Who sat down on the iron throne and watched as his blood poured on the floor." Daenerys's eyes held hatred towards the chained Lannister man as she retells the tales of her childhood.

"He would tell other stories as well. About all the things we would do to that man once we retake the Seven Kingdoms. The only reason I didn't when I captured you in Highgarden was because of my commander's council. Yet, now you even wish to be freed to fight?"

Tyrion Lannister, one who requested his brother's temporary release for the Great War stepped up, "Your grace, I know my brother. He understands what we are dealing here. Give him a chance to fight for the right side for once. Why would he volunteer to fight for any other reason than that when he is surrounded by his enemies all alone?"

"Perhaps he trusts his little brother will be able to give him a chance to slit my throat." Daenerys argued with no intention to allow the absurd request her hand is bringing to her court.

Sansa who was sitting right next to the queen supported her which took the queen and her commander by surprise, "You are right. We can't trust him. He attacked my father in the streets, destroyed my house and my family the same way as he did yours."

"You want me to apologize? I won't. We were at war. Everything I did, I did it for my house and my family. I would do it all over again." The Kingslayer told them without an ounce of regret.

"So how can we trust you won't harm us again?"

"This goes beyond loyalty. This is about survival." Jaime said but Laena caught him glancing at Brienne of Tarth who stood up and caught everyone's attention, "You don't know me so well, your grace. We have had the pleasure to meet once in the past, my lady." Brienne addressed the commander who was standing right behind her queen.

The renowned warrior of Tarth walked to the front and stood next to the Lannister in question, "But I know Ser Jaime. He is a man of honor. I was his captive once." And Brienne told the story of how the Kingslayer lost his hand defending her to the queen and the Lady Stark. She even claimed the survival of Sansa was because of Jaime Lannister who aided Brienne's quest to find her.

Laena stared at Sansa who looked down for a moment upon hearing the tall woman's tale and asked, "You vouch for him?"

"I do."

"I trust you with my life. If you trust him with yours, we should let him fight." Sansa said which turned the queen's head to hers.

"What does the Warden of the North say about it?" Daenerys addressed the man on her left side who simply said, "We need every man we can get."

"And my commander?"

"As much as I respect you Lady Brienne, like you said we don't know you that well. But if the hand of the queen is willing to bet his life on his brother, I say we give him a chance to fight instead of dying helplessly in the dungeon when the dead comes." Laena said which astonished everyone in the hall as she raised the stakes.

Daenerys and Tyrion exchanged glances in which the Lannister nodded as acceptance. "Very well." The queen said and motioned Greyworm to free the Kingslayer from his chains. But Laena stopped him and approached the older Lannister herself.

The Dragon and the Rose | Daenerys Targaryen Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu