The king and the queen

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"How can they even murder Lady Stark and Robb Stark's pregnant wife?" Ser Selmy said as he gulped down his wine.

"I am surprised they did not ask your hand for the queen's twin. I swear to god the Lannisters are committed to infiltrating every kingdom in this realm." He continued as the two friends share a wine out of frustration after receiving the news of Red wedding.

"What use of taking my hand when they can get Highgarden through Cersei Lannister now. They better off pursuing an arrangement with the Greyjoys instead." Laena said bitterly.

"So, at the end they will have everything. With Robb Stark gone Lady Sansa is the last Stark who rightfully inherits North. Cersei Lannister will rule the Reach when she joins us at Highgarden. Their loyal dog, Littlefinger is on his way to become the Acting lord of Vale. They even sent off that young princess of theirs to Dorne. All they need is Riverrun and Iron islands now." Ludwig listed but as his list goes on, his expression darkened more and more.

"After what they did to Elia Martell, at least they can't claw their way in to the Dorne despite their efforts, I pray." Laena replied with anger deeply laced into her voice.

The Red Wedding, they called it. Fall of the proud Starks. They even humiliated the young King's body by sewing the head of his direwolf on it. Noble by nature, Laena Tyrell was deeply troubled to witness the extent of ruthlessness and humiliation the Lannisters go to overthrow their enemies.

"Where is my sister, my lady?" Ser Selmy changed the topic as he sensed his lady's fury in continuing the conversation.

"I sent her to Loras since she is overjoyed by even his shadows. Speaking of your family, have you heard from your uncle again?" Laena questioned as she was curious about the former Lord Commander of the Kingsguards.

"Last he wrote, he was on his way to cross the Narrow sea for pursuit of someone who deserved his service." Suddenly turning serious, Ludwig whispered.

"Who deserves the service of one of the best swordsman of Westeros?" Laena arched her one brow, deeply in thoughts.

"The last Targaryen girl. She is said to have acquired three dragons, my lady."

"A Targaryen?" Laena's eyes widened to hear of the former royal house's name. Though she was born after the great dynasty of Targaryens fell, Laena always wondered of their rich history and legends of dragons. As if she turned into her eight year old self, her heart pumped loudly with sudden rush of excitement.

"Lady Olenna Tyrell requests your presence, my lady." A servant interrupted their conversation and waited for Laenna to comply as per her grandmother's orders.

Laena stopped unusually tall blonde woman on her way to meet Olenna, "Pardon me, Are you Brienne of Tarth?"

"Yes, I am. Do you know me, my lady?" Brienne aswered politely as she was surprised to be known by someone who she never met, considering she does not have as half as impressive name compared to people in king's palace.

"I'm Laena Tyrell. I've heard of how you bested my brother in combat. To run into you here is just... Marvelous." Laena stared at the tall woman admiringly as she was having a difficulty containing her joy.

"Ah, yes. Your grandmother, lady Olenna just said something of similar, my lady."

"Well, I am named after her. So, we do have things in common. However, my intention is to ask you for a combat. Would you allow me that honor?" Laena asked full of hope which surprised the other woman.

"Pardon me, my lady. But you are a..." Brienne could not finish her sentence with a right word.

"A lady, yes. Due to my position you are very much aware, I'd like to propose a secluded place at dawn. May I send my knight tomorrow to escort you?" Laena pushed as she cannot possibly lose this chance to spar with the woman she admired ever since she heard her tales from Loras.

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