Sons and heirs

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"Welcome to Highgarden, your grace." Olenna Tyrell welcomed the queen and her granddaughter in the Great Hall. Laena threw off her blood stained cloak and grabbed the towel handed to her by a maid.

"Allow me to introduce you to my mother, Alerie Hightower and my uncle Gerold Hightower of Oldtown." Laena muttered as she anxiously cleans the blood on her hands.

"Oldtown. I was told my ancestor, Aegon Targaryen the first's coronation was in Oldtown. I would like to visit the city the first Targaryen king was crowned someday after the war." Daenerys politely turned to the Hightowers who have been staring at Laena full of worry.

"We would be honored to have another Targaryen monarch bless us with their presence, your grace." Gerold Hightower bowed respectively but their courteous interaction was cut short by Laena throwing the rug furiously at the floor.

All eyes focused on the seemingly infuriated liege lady of the castle but Olenna Tyrell interrupted boldly, "It seems our lady lost some manners while aiding you, your grace. Please excuse us as I shall try to discipline my granddaughter before she turns into a savage any moment."

"You grace, you must be exhausted from the battle. We have prepared a chamber suited for a queen. I will escort you." Alerie Hightower addressed the startled queen who found mother of the rose's calmness even more peculiar than Olenna who left the hall with Laena.

"Now tell me. What happened to you?" The older Tyrell asked the younger one who stares at her hands blankly. The two entered the drawing room of Highgarden which they have spent numerous joyous days in Laena's childhood together.

"I had to kill Randyll Tarly and his son with my own hands. They refused to bend the knee. House Tarly is no more."

"Better your hands than others. I grew up with him. Spent years and had countless talks that I can no longer remember. He was always a noble one, upheld his vow to us but men are sheep. They follow dangerous paths sometimes foolishly."

"But I am the Lord Paramount of Reach and I just wiped a hundreds of years old great house. What does it say about me?" Laena looked up this time, her eyes showing a mixture of rage and sadness.

"It says that you are a strong leader. He made his decision and anyone can see he paid for it. Do not fret over not walking the easy road. You are in a war. Are you going to act like this everytime you take a life? I raised you better than this. You hear me?" Olenna Tyrell leaned forward and stared at her granddaughter dead in the eyes.

"Yes, you did. I apologize for my childish behavior." The Lady of Highgarden said defeatedly which her grandmother nodded satisfied. "Now go to your queen. Be a good host. At least she learned something from my words last time. Can't say you learned anything so far." Olenna chuckled a bit before taking a sip from her tea.

Following her grandmother's words immediately, Laena Tyrell rushed to her chamber to bathe herself first. After getting clothed in clean clothes of green and gold, she knocked on the queen's door.

"Your grace, I am here to escort you to the feast in the Great Hall." Laena said but her embarrassment from her earlier action caught up to her. Daenerys looked at the young rose who is avoiding her gaze despite their proximity. "Very well."

"I must apologize for my rudeness. It was no way to welcome you into my home." Laena said softly as she walked a step in front of the queen.

"Why did you do it yourself? I could have easily let Drogon do it." Daenerys referred to the Tarly execution since the Lady of Highgarden is obviously affected by the event.

"If you feed your dragon with him and end the legacy of one of the great houses of Reach, it would surely affect the other lords under my command. It is better they fear me than they doubt you."

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