24 - Pain and Secrets

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Alexis' p.o.v

The feeling of indifference washed all over me.

I was happy. But I was also sad.

I was sad because I finally saw her and I couldn't touch her or hug her.

It was all so confusing. If you could put yourself in my shoes, you would understand.

I felt happy because she looked well. She looked well fed, well taken care of, her skin was flawless, her face was spotless.

How was that even possible?

How did she look SO well even if Genvi treated her wrong?

"Oh my God!"

Camille just saw her. Tears were in her eyes but she knew better than to show emotion in front of everyone because they would suspect.

She looked at me and smiled and I smiled back at her.

When I looked back at mom she was looking at me shocked out of her soul.

My smile widened because she recognized me.

She stopped moving as every other person walked by. That was when I noticed the large security following her around.

They were trying to tell her to keep moving.

They did it politely. Which was odd.

Genvi's men only respected her when he told them to. Normally they didn't even care to look at her or respect her presence.

Meaning all of this spelt out Genvi thick and clear.

She was still looking at me and I just kept smiling.

I always wondered how I grew to love someone I didn't spend quarter of my life with.

I kept telling myself it was because she was my mom but was it really that?

Maybe it was because of what she went through. I believe she went through every pain for us. For Alex and I.

"I can't believe she's actually here." Camille said so only I could hear.

"I miss her so much and now she's just....right there."

"And I can't run to her." She added in a sad tone.

"I know exactly how you feel." I said warmly.

Everyone was seated as the whole thing was going on.

I couldn't handle the whole make believe ceremony so I left and waited for it to finish.

I was outside sitting on a bench. The wind blew roughly as if it was telling me none of this was right.

Like it was gonna be a storm in my life very soon. And it was right-

"What are you doing here?"

"Fiona!" I said admiring her dress.

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