Brett's uncle's house V (NSFW)

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It was late, when he woke up, but as soon as his consiousness came back the warmth and elation of the day before spread like wildfire through his veins again.
The preparations. The things his mother had said to him. His sister, hugging him, carrying their twins within her. The vows. Ibo's jokes. The party, and then.... the sex. Oh man, the sex! That had been possibly the most awesome part of it all. The memory of it awoke a certain part of his anatomy too, and he grinned slightly to himself. Nothing like a little wedding to let your libido explode, hey, mate?
He'd need a shower first, though. No way he was letting Brett anywhere near him, with how grimy he felt after last night's exertions. 
He nuzzled into Brett's chest, who responded by doing his cute little grunt-wake up thing. 
¨Hey, good morning, husband.¨ he said, smiling at how cute sleepy Brett looked. 
¨Good morning.¨ he croaked back and he turned on his right side, pulling Eddy closer. 
Eddy would happily lie like that all day; his head on the inside of Brett's right arm, snuggled into him, Brett's arms around him, making him feel so safe, so anchored somehow. 
¨Won't be long before we'll not be having these leisurely mornings anymore.¨ Brett said, and Eddy could hear the smile in his voice. 
¨Hmh,¨ he responded. ¨Best make use of them while we have them, hey?¨ He languidly pushed his erection into Brett's hip. 
Brett grinned. ¨Ha, is it that time again? I like your thinking...¨ 
He moved suddenly, pinning Eddy's legs between his, and kissed him until both their breaths were laboured.
¨I'm gonna need to shower first, my love.¨ Eddy managed after a while.
Brett chuckled. ¨I wonder why, huh? Okay, come on, I'll shower with you.¨
Brett got up and extended his hand in an invitation, but Eddy was already getting up and taking his t-shirt off. 
They almost crashed into the shower cubicle as they kissed hungrily, their underwear strewn on the floor, and as soon as the water was warm Eddy pushed Brett against the wall under the shower, their bodies pressing together.  
¨I loved what you said to me yesterday.¨ he whispered in his ear, before trailing kisses over his neck to his collarbone. 
¨Ah!¨ Brett groaned. 
¨I especially love how you prove to me every day how much you mean those words.¨ Eddy carried on, as he reached for the shower gel and started washing Brett's chest with soft, tender movements. 
Brett just gazed at him, his eyes glazed over with lust while Eddy's hands went lower and lower, until he reached Brett's arousal. 
¨I also love that I turn you on so much.¨ Eddy said, his voice strained now. 
Suddenly Brett moved and pushed Eddy around roughly, facing the wall. He stood behind him, his erection straining against his behind, and bent over to whisper in his ear in that hoarse voice that made Eddy even harder. 
¨I love you too, Eddy. I could say all the same things to you.¨
Eddy would have said something back, but he was suddenly filled up and the words stuck in his throat, a loud groan coming out instead.
Brett set the pace to allegro straight away, and his hand snaked around Eddy to give him a hand. 
Eddy clawed at the wall, absorbing all the sensations, reveling in their closeness, loving Brett's little moans as he moved inside him. 
¨Oh, fuck, Brett!¨ he called as Brett pushed him over the edge and he came, feeling Brett pulse into him. Together they sank to the ground of yet another shower cubicle then, holding each other tight, their cheeks together, their synchronised breathing slowing down as if they were one person instead of two. 
¨Bretty?¨ Eddy said as he found his voice again.
¨I've never loved you more than I do today.¨
He could feel Brett's smile against his cheek. 
¨Me either my love, me either.¨
¨This has been a fucking awesome do-over wedding. I maintain this was your best idea ever.¨
Brett chuckled. ¨Just wait for the vow renewal in a few year's time.¨
¨I know you're kidding, but I'm down, you know. Especially if we do this after.¨ 

A/N There you have it, guys! Your wish is my command <3

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