Oslo, part 2

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As they walked into the venue Eddy's mind kept going back to what they had been doing half an hour ago, and he had to give himself a bit of a talking to. Come on mate, get your game face on!
He was a bit sore, he could feel it when he walked. But he knew he'd be fine soon. 
Brett looked at him and whispered: 
¨You good? You sore?¨
¨Nah mate, I'm fine. really.¨

The day was full on. There was so much to do, it was insane. Good job they'd taken such an early flight!
The venue was great this time and all the tickets had been sold out. Eddy smiled when he heard this, a bit of his faith restored. 
They had managed to arrange some impromptu musicians on stage with them for this concert, so they rehearsed carefully.
Hey, if they could do nothing else, they could roll with it! 

Eventually, they were satisfied everything was in place and they were getting ready to set off.
¨Hey, Eddy¨, called Brett, phone in hand.
¨Some students of the local conservatory are inviting us on snappchat to come and hang. Wanna go?¨
¨Yeah, absolutely!¨ Eddy replied enthusiastically. A group of musicians always felt like home.

They took a few wrong turns, but Google Maps got them to the conservatory eventually. It was a bit of a stark, square building. A modern conservatory, clearly. 
When they walked in they were faced with an incredibly enthusiastic crowd. The students were so happy to see them, Eddy had to pinch himself. I mean, just a couple of years ago he'd been one of many students at his own conservatory, nothing too special, and now they were being hailed like heroes here? 
He looked left and saw his own thoughts reflected in Brett's surprised eyes.
¨It's unreal, no?¨ He whispered to Brett, so low he was sure no one would hear.
Brett looked at him and replied, with feeling:
¨Yeah. Very.¨
The students staged an impromptu performance, there were cookies and Brett even tried to speak some Norwegian. They got some good footage, too, which they could turn into a vlog later. 
All in all, this was turning out to be a great day.

After a while, Eddy happened to look out of the window and he saw a sight that made him even happier. The whole outside world was now covered in a layer of fluffy whiteness. It had snowed! He knew Brett, who had never seen snow, had been hoping for some. 
¨Bro! Bro! Come over!¨ he called.
Brett came and looked, and almost lost it, he was so happy. Snow!
He slowly clamped his hand over his mouth as he looked out of the window with eyes as wide as saucers. 

¨Come on!¨ Eddy shouted, as he ran for the exit, slinging his jacket on as he went. 
He ran through the snow like a puppy, and he soon saw Brett running after him. 
But because he looked at Brett approaching he lost his footing, felt his legs sliding out from under him, and he fell flat on his arse. 
Brett was by him in a second, laughing so hard tears came out of his eyes. 
¨Still not sore?¨ he managed, snorting. 
¨That's me, elegance personified¨, Eddy replied, laughing just as hard, as he got up and slapped the snow off himself. 
Brett's eyes were glittering. 
¨I've lost my snow virginity!¨ he exclaimed. 
Eddy snorted.
¨The way I see it, that's not the only virginity lost between us today, mate¨
Brett shook his head and punched him, hard enough that Eddy almost lost his balance again. 
¨Might be the only one I make public, though!¨ he grinned.
They played in the snow like kindergartners for a bit, until they reluctantly made their way back inside. They had concerts to play after all, they couldn't be getting themselves sick. 

Later, as the boys walked back to their hotel in the deep darkness of the Nordic winter evening, putting their feet carefully into the snow, they were giddy with the day they'd had. 
¨You know?¨ Eddy said to Brett, smiling from ear to ear, 
¨This world tour, it's the best idea we've ever had.¨
Brett looked Eddy straight in the eyes and smiled his new, sweet smile. 
¨Yeah. It's the absolute best, because of you.¨

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