Maldives: proposition

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They did eventually make it out of the shower, and now they were making their way over to the lovely little restaurant they'd found a couple of days ago. 
Eddy was easily holding Brett's hand. It wasn't very crowded here anyway at this time of year, but the people who were  there seemed to not know anything about classical music: they'd not really been recognised at all. It had been nice to be able to be a bit more free with each other in public. 
Brett leaned over and kissed Eddy softly. 
¨Just for the record¨, he said, ¨both this morning and last night were awesome.¨
Eddy smiled widely. 
¨I know, right? I wish we could stay here a little longer.¨
They didn't have long, now. Only a few days until their flight would take them back to Brisbane, to their lives and all their responsabilities. 
¨Well¨, Brett said, ¨I say let's make lots of videos and get to a million subs a.s.a.p., and we can maybe afford to come back here every year to just relax and enjoy each other.¨
Eddy gave his hand a squeeze. ¨I like your thinking. Let's make it a date!¨

They walked along in silence for a bit, the sun beating down on them, until they saw the little restaurant they liked so much. It was small, right on the beach and it had awesome views.
They walked in and slid into a booth right by the water.
After ordering breakfast they sat quietly for a long while, looking at the beautiful beach and the swaying palm trees, their hands intertwined under the table. 

Out of nowhere Brett suddenly cleared his throat and looked at Eddy from under his eyelashes, a shy look on his face. What the? What was going on with him? 
¨What's up, bro?¨ Eddy said, his brows knitting together. 
Brett cleared his throat again and spoke softly. 
¨So... I was wondering.¨
Eddy looked at him expectantly. 
¨What were you wondering?¨
¨Erm...¨ Brett was clearly hesitant to speak, and it was freaking Eddy out.
¨Bro! Just tell me!¨
¨Okay...¨ Brett said, taking a deep breath. ¨Erm... I was wondering if we should perhaps have a party for family and close friends in Brisbane. You know, like a mini wedding for our families.¨
Eddy's eyes opened wide. Whoa, he was so not expecting that. He could feel his mouth was hanging open, and it took him a moment to get his voice working again. 

But Brett instantly panicked at the pause, Eddy could see it happening in real time. 
¨Never mind, Eddy¨, Brett said quickly. ¨It doesn't matter, it was just a silly thought.¨
He cast his eyes down, shaking his head slightly. 
¨Hey now!¨ Eddy said softly, but insistantly, leaning forward to put his hand on Brett's thigh, tilting up his chin with his other hand so Brett would look at him. 
¨Hey, my love! Calm down, it's all good! I thought we'd exorcised these ghosts? I don't think it's silly at all! I was just not expecting that, that's all.¨
Brett looked at him now, and Eddy could see tears welling up in his eyes. 
Eddy reacted quickly. He took Brett by the hand, while signalling to the waitress 'two minutes' with his other hand, and led Brett through the open doors onto the beach. When they got close to the water he sat down, pulling Brett with him, and crossed his legs. 

¨So, talk to me.¨ he said. ¨This clearly means a lot to you, can you please explain to me why you're sad and what you would like?¨
Brett swiped at the tears on his cheek and sniffled softly, still not speaking. 
Eddy sat, and waited. 
It took a bit, but after a while Brett hesitantly began speaking. 
¨So¨, he said quietly, ¨I've been thinking about it for a while now. That it would be nice to actually say 'I do' in front of everyone, to have everyone we love be a part of that moment. You know my mum was sad she'd missed it.¨

Eddy did know. Brett's mum hadn't said much when she  found out that they'd gotten married, but the pain had been evident in her eyes. Belle, on the other hand, had been very vocal about being absolutely furious she'd missed it. 
¨Okay,¨ he said. ¨But why have you not told me before? Why is it making you insecure?¨
Bretted sobbed once, and seemed to pull himself together then, letting the words flow. 
¨Because I don't know if you want that, Eddy, and I know I'm being stupid because you've shown me every day that you love me and that you want to be with me. But to ask you to stand in front of those people and say that out loud... I just have no idea if I'm asking way too much.¨

Eddy shook his head. 
¨Brett, I hope you know that you can talk to me about anything. I don't want to see you sad because you're worried how I will feel!¨
He sat and thought for a moment. Would he like to do that? Have a party like that? 
He was sure his mum would be happy. She'd done her best to show them her acceptance these last months. He was positive their friends would be very happy. 

¨Well...¨ he said, at last. ¨The reason why we went to Vegas was because I wanted to make it official then and there, and because I had no idea what we would be coming home to. But I'm very happy to have a do-over at home.¨
As he said it he knew it was true. But he could feel something bubbling up from deep within him: there was something else to say. 
¨Brett?¨ he said, so soft it was almost a whisper. 
Brett looked up at him. 
¨I would like you to ask me.¨
Brett's eyes widened, and then a giant smile broke the sadness on his face. 

Brett scooted a bit closer, and took both of Eddy's hands in his. 
¨Eddy, love of my life, will you low-key marry me again in front of the people we love?¨
An unexpected rush of emotion went through Eddy's chest, and he realised how much this would mean to him as well. He could feel his own tears welling up as he replied:
¨Yes, I will.¨

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