Maldives: beach NSFW

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It had gotten dark and very late, but they were still lying on their towel on the beach. Neither one of them seemed to have any intent of ever moving from this spot. 
In the distance they saw some lights, somewhere in another resort or something. Far away on the ocean there were some boats, floating softly on the darkened water. Eddy grimaced slightly. He was very glad he was lying here on non-moving sand and not on some boat, though not nearly as glad as his stomach was. 
There wasn't a soul in sight, it was just them, the darkness and the sound of the calm waves. 
He turned his head slightly, and brushed his lips against Brett's ear. Brett sighed contentedly. 
He took Brett's earlobe between his lips, and nibbled softly. 
That got his attention. Brett turned on his side, giving him access to Eddy's face, and gave him a feather-light kiss. Eddy kissed him back, but very softly, because the moment was soft. 
His hand moved under Brett's shirt and stroked his back, his short fingernails scratching mildly over Brett's back, just the way he knew he liked. 
Brett sighed again and took his upper lip between his teeth, nibbling gently, his tongue soft and warm between his teeth.
His hand traveled slowly over Eddy's stomach, and Eddy's breath hitched.
Brett's hand moved further and stroked ever so lightly over the front of Eddy's shorts, almost as if it were by accident. 
Eddy groaned, and moved to kiss Brett more deeply. 
¨I seem to remember making you a promise about this beach¨, he mumbled. 
He felt Brett's grin against his cheek. 
¨I remember¨, he whispered, reaching into his pocket, producing that little bottle he seemed to have the uncanny ability to have on him whenever needed. 

¨My turn to top?¨ Brett breathed. 
Eddy smiled at the term. ¨You can top anytime you want, my love.¨
He moved to touch Brett through his shorts, wanting to feel his arousal, but Brett caught his hand softly and put it back on his stomach.
¨I want this to last...¨ he whispered, kissing Eddy on the soft spot underneath his ear, making him shiver. 
With the smallest of movements Brett pushed Eddy on his back and moved to sit between his legs. His nimble fingers pulled on the drawstring of Eddy's shorts and pulled them down. Then he opened his own shorts, slicked himself up and bent forward to lie on top of Eddy, pulling the other towel over them both. 
The darkness of the night surrounded them and the soft rustling of the palm fronds above them in the wind gave Eddy a feeling that they were alone in the world, just Brett and him in their little bubble. He wished they could stay here forever. 
Brett spread him open and ever so slowly pushed into him, instantly stilling when he was fully in. 
¨Oh, fuck, Brett, I love you so much¨, Eddy groaned. 
They had never done this so softly, so sweetly. Brett started to move, but he took his time, going slow while still making sure to hit the right spot every time he thrusted. 
Eddy was in heaven. 
He could feel Brett losing himself now, and that was exactly what he wanted too. He put his hands on Brett's hips, moving with him, imploring him to go faster now, to give him the release he could feel building inexorably. 
Brett put his hand around Eddy now, stroking him quickly and lightly, and that pushed him over the edge. He came so powerfully that his mind blanked, and all he felt was the waves of pleasure, and Brett, shooting his warm liquid into him. 

Eddy breathed deeply then, coming back to earth. 
¨Bretty, my love, no one's ever loved anyone as much as I love you.¨

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