Singapore, after the concert

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Before they knew it, the first concert was all over and they were headed out into the streets of Singapore again, Eddy taking one last look at the stage where they'd had such success.  They were both still a bit giddy with the evening it had been.
Usually they'd go out and celebrate, but tonight they automatically opted to go back to the hotel instead, wanting nothing more than to just be together, so they quickly said good night to the crew. 
As they stood in the elevator of their hotel, smiling like loons, Eddy asked:
¨You happy?¨
Brett beamed back at him and said, earnestly: ¨never been happier.¨

But when they came into the room, Brett was suddenly silent as they put away their stuff. Eddy looked at him a few times, wondering what was going through his head.
Brett wasn't looking at him, he was busying himself with violin cases and scores. What was going on?
Remembering Brett's words about talking things through, Eddy took a deep breath and asked: ¨You okay, bro?¨
Brett looked up at him with a concerned look on his face, and seemed to deliberate whether he was going to speak or not.
¨I have something to ask you, Eddy, and I want you to answer me truthfully.¨
Eddy was a bit startled.
¨Of course I will! What's up?¨
Brett bit his lip and hesitated.
¨Bro! What's up! You're freaking me out!¨ Eddy exclaimed.
¨Okay. So.¨ Brett said, still hesitant, but then the words flew out in a rush.
¨Erm. You've, erm, always been with girls. And erm, I guess I'm just worried that me being a guy is too different, or not enough.¨ 
He cast his eyes down and waited for Eddy to answer.
Whoa. That was not what Eddy was expecting at all. He was at Brett's side in a heartbeat, but he was silent for a moment, until he knew exactly how to say what he wanted to say, to take this insecurity away.
¨Brett...¨ he began, taking his hand.
¨I know I've always been with girls, and I really hadn't expected that to ever change, that's true. But ever since I fell in love with you, I've just not looked at girls that way anymore. I loved everything about being with you last night, and I can't wait to do it again, and discover all of this together.¨
He thought for a moment more, as Brett looked at him through his eyelashes with an intense gaze, and then added, a bit coyly:
¨I actually like that I'd not been with a guy before. That you were my first. I guess, maybe, I never found the right girl, because somewhere deep down I was waiting for you. I know that sounds cheesy, but it's true.¨
He shrugged slightly, making up his mind. 
¨But how about you, then? You weren't exactly a virgin, had you been with a guy before? And how does this all feel to you?¨
Brett looked up, his eyes shining now, a smile on his lips. 
¨I hadn't, no. But I have known for a long time I liked guys more. Well, specifically, that I liked you more.¨
Eddy shook his head lightly.
¨I was an idiot. I never saw. I'm sorry.¨
¨No, don't be!¨ Brett said. ¨I never showed it. I was way too scared of you rejecting me. Of me ruining our friendship!¨
¨That is exactly how I felt, too, all these months. You know, the first night, when I thought back of how you'd comforted me, I got hard, and I felt so guilty I took a cold shower until I calmed down¨.
¨I wish I'd've been there to help you out¨, Brett said with a light smile. ¨I'm sorry you felt that way... we were both idiots.¨
Eddy smirked. ¨Turns out you can do very InTeReStInG things with dicks.¨
Brett burst out laughing, his eyes clear again.
¨Come on, let's get to bed, idiot.¨

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