Paris, part 2

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They wandered the streets of Paris for ages, talking and laughing.  They were both like two kids in love, and like best friends who had known each other all their lives, all at once.
Eddy could not remember a happier time, ever. 

They looked in awe at the Arc du Triomphe and meandered through throngs of tourists over the Champs-Élysées.
Suddenly a group of girls came close and squealed, obviously realising who they were. Eddy looked at Brett with raised eyebrows. Whoa, they were being recognised in Paris, literally on the other side of the world! This had become quite a common occurence in Australia and Asia, but here as well? Wow.  
They bantered with the girls, slipping easily into Twoset-mode. The girls took a photo with them and on they went again, walking all the way to the Louvre. 

The museum was very impressive. They looked at the world famous pyramid and then they roamed the halls, soaking it all in. It was all gorgeous, the beautiful art, the amazing ceilings and the architecture. 
It was like a maze in there, so they didn't realise where they were until there was a crowd in front of them and they were right on top of the most famous painting of them all: the Mona Lisa.

Eddy looked at the Da Vinci painting, trying to see it over the people. But he had to be honest: in a hall full of works of art, with only this one having a horde of tourists in front of it, it was definitely not his favourite painting in the room. 
He looked at Brett, who was having an even harder time seeing it. 
¨You wanna sit on my neck, bro?¨
Brett gave him a look he knew very well, and rolled his eyes. Eddy burst out laughing. 
He pulled Brett along, pointing.
¨I like that one more, anyway!¨

He knew full well that they were behaving like a couple, and anyone looking would probably see them as one. But he just couldn't bring himself to care. He was in Paris, with the man he loved, that was all that mattered.

They only had the one day and a whole city to see, so they left the museum and walked on through the streets of Paris until they were faced with the most famous landmark of them all: the Eiffel tower. 
¨You wanna scale it?¨ asked Eddy. 
¨Sounds romantic¨, Brett smiled. 

They paid for their tickets and went up. Wow, the view was breathtaking. Eddy ventured closer to the railing to gawk at the city, but he had to make very sure not to look down directly. He knew he was high up without looking, thank you very much, he didn't need the vertigo.
 When he looked to his left he saw Brett doing exactly the same, which made him snicker. 
¨Oh, we're right heroes, that's all¨
Brett snorted. 
¨Yeah, that's us.¨

They shot a short video for their fans up there and then they felt they had been brave enough, so they went in and had a bite to eat in the restaurant, high up above Paris with views to match. 
The food was expensive and European, but it was very good and there was a romantic vibe about the whole place.
Eddy smiled at Brett over the table and then reached out and softly took Brett's hand in his. 
Brett looked up at him questioningly, and Eddy knew what the question was. They were in public. 
¨I don't care...¨ he whispered. ¨You?¨
Brett smiled. ¨Couldn't care less, my love.¨

After dinner they walked back to the hotel, hand in hand, fingers intertwined. 
It was a bit of a walk, and they had been walking all day, so by the time  they got to the hotel their feet were killing them. 

As soon as they got into their room Brett plopped down in one of the comfortable chairs opposite the beds. Eddy thought for a second and sat down by his feet without saying a word.
He took Brett's socks off one by one, ignoring his suprised eyes, and rubbed and massaged his feet until he heard nothing but contented sighing and groaning. 
When he was satisfied Brett was good and relaxed Eddy leaned forward to rest his head against Brett's knees, but Brett moved to sit on the floor with him. He kissed him softly on the forehead and then he took Eddy's feet in his own hands, to rub them with his skilled fingers until Eddy was sighing just as contentedly as Brett had been. 

They sat for ages, there, on the floor. Just the two of them, sitting quietly, reflecting, hugging. 

It had been a perfect day.

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