Oslo: Sophie

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As they lay in bed very late that night, just quietly cuddling, Eddy had a chance to reflect on the evening they'd had. 
 Of course, to absolutely no one's shock at all, food had turned out to be chicken hotpot.  
It was a firm favourite with both of them, but Eddy, realising just how many Chinese restaurants they had already visited this tour, resolved to try a bit more than just Asian cuisine on the other side of the pond. 

The concert itself had been amazing. They had gotten all the extra musicians dancing, the crowd had been wild and they themselves had had the best time. Eddy knew he'd left nothing behind on that stage and he was actually quite happy with how they'd done for once. 

The meet and greet had been as hectic as always, with fangirls swooning and everyone trying to talk to them at once. He'd found he was getting used to it a bit more now though, it hadn't caught him off guard as much anymore, and they'd had a good laugh. 
Eddy had known Brett was back with him, when a member of the audience accused them of having been out of tune and Brett simply replied with his deadpan face, looking to Eddy:
¨Well, that must have been you, not me.¨
Everyone laughed, and it had made him smile, before he'd looked to the next fan, who wanted him to sign a Pokémon card, of all things. Brett had had to sign an arm, as well, and he wondered idly when and how that particular fan would wash the arm next.

He turned a bit, to snuggle even more into Brett's chest.
¨Brett? Some music students came up to me and asked if we would come to their concert tomorrow. It's a matinee, so we'll have time before the flight. What do you think? Should we go? It's in a little church somewhere close by.¨
Brett turned to look at him. 
¨Yeah, sure, if you wanna? Would be fun to hear a concert. Don't you think we'll attract too much attention?¨
¨Well, they seemed to really want us there...¨
¨Let's just go, then, and see how it goes!¨
¨Okay¨, Eddy mumbled. ¨Let's get some sleep, I'm so tired I can't even lift my head anymore¨

A minute later, they were both out like a light. Those days off in New York were well timed, they were knackered after the days they'd had. 

The next morning they went out to have breakfast with Sophie and they guys again. 
As they walked to the bakery Eddy found himself next to Sophie, who slowed up a bit. 
He looked at her in surprise. 
¨You okay, Sophie?¨
¨Yes! Fine!¨she said softly, hesitantly. ¨I... I just wanted to ask if you were okay. Please tell me if I'm speaking out of turn, but I think I'm the only one who knows about you and Brett here? You just got together?¨
He blinked in surprise, and he realised straight away she would have had to work up her courage to say that to him. How sweet of her!
¨Erm, yes.¨ he said softly. 
¨It's pretty new, just since the tour. And no one knows, apart from you and the theatre tech from Asia, who saw us as well.¨
He added, with a grin: ¨We've got to get better at not doing stuff in public places.¨
She smiled back, but then said in a serious tone:
¨Or not... you know, no one will care at all here that you are an item. Won't change a thing.¨
She thought for a second, and looked at him earnestly.
¨I... my brother is gay, and I was for a while the only one to know. I saw him struggle with it. I would like things to go better for you and Brett.¨
Eddy was silent for a moment, digesting that, watching the shop fronts to his left. 
¨You don't think it would change the way people saw us?¨
¨Well, if it did, wouldn't that be their problem? The people that matter won't see you differently, I'm sure.¨
Eddy nodded. She made a good point. 
¨You're right.¨
He was quiet for a moment, before deciding to go with honesty. 
¨ It's been very strange. Not the relationship itself, that's the most natural thing ever. But to realise that the world will see me as gay, whereas before I was always ¨normal¨. I've come to grips with that now, I think. I simply love him way too much to want to hide forever.¨
Sophie smiled at him, and he added:
¨We'll have to call home, first, though. And I'm really worried about how that will go. I think he is too.¨
Sophie, with this uncanny insight of hers he just started to get to know, said:
¨Is that an Asian thing?¨
Eddy smiled wryly.
¨That's certainly part of it, yeah. We've already not met any of the expectations that were there. It's hard to feel like you're always a bit of a disappointment.¨
He looked up then and they were at the bakery. Brett was already walking in. 
¨Can I hug you?¨ Sophie asked. 
Eddy instantly put his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. 
As he let her go he smiled at her and said: 
¨Thank you, Sophie. For broaching this, that can't have been easy. And for your insight. It's good to talk someone else about it.¨
¨Any time, Eddy¨ she answered, and he knew she meant it. 

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