Brisbane XVI

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Eddy took a deep breath, trying to quell the nerves that were floating around in his belly. 
Wow. It was only one day now, and he'd be stood in front of all the ones they loved, reciting his vows one more time. 
The wedding in Las Vegas had been so spontaneous, so spur of the moment, that he hadn't really had the time or the space to be nervous at all then. It had all happened so naturally, that it just seemed to fit in their whole journey seemlessly. 
But now, this? This was a different story altogether. He grinned, because he knew how the inside of his head would look to anyone outside of him. A musician? Someone who had consciously chosen to spend his life standing on stages, performing to others? You wouldn't expect someone like that to be quite this shy, quite this introverted. But he'd chosen music because he loved music, not because he wanted to be the centre of attention at all times. 
But very soon that would be exactly what he was. He and Brett, who thankfully was a little better than him at such events. He'd just have to hold his hand, look into his eyes and make the rest of the world disappear. 
¨Hey, you zoning out on me?¨ Brett's voice came and pulled him out of his nervous bubble. 
¨Yeah¨, he grinned. ¨I'm shitting myself a bit, to be honest.¨
Brett's eyes were mild and loving, the look itself a caress. 
¨I know, my love. But I'll be there. And you're stronger than you think.¨
Eddy nodded. 
¨I know.¨

They were packing, because they were going to spend the night before their do-over wedding at Brett's uncle's house, about two hours outside of Brisbane. Brett's uncle had a lovely big pool house and had graciously offered to let them to stay there. He had even suggested they could spend the night apart, like the tradition said, with one of them in the main house, but Eddy had stood firm on that. Nope. They were already married; he was not spending the night before the party on his own, a nervous wreck. No thanks. If he was going to be a nervous wreck he would be a nervous wreck with his better half by his side.
He threw some clothes into his bag. He wouldn't need much, really. Tomorrow he'd be in his suit, anyway. 
¨You got the suits, Brett?¨ he asked.
¨Yep! They're in the car already. You just about ready? I think I've got everything.¨
He nodded. ¨Yeah, I'm there.¨
He walked over to Brett and pulled him quickly into a hug, wrapping his arms around him and brushing his neck with his lips. Softly he kissed the spot underneath his ear, and he felt Brett responding straight away. 
¨I love you, you know?¨
Brett looked at him, his eyes shining. 
¨I do know. I love you too.¨ 
He gave him a quick peck on the lips and then moved away. 
¨Come on, if we don't go now you know what will happen and we'll be late. 
Eddy laughed and turned around to pick up his bag. He walked past the studio on the way out and picked up his violin. He smiled as he thought about the secret he was keeping from Brett. Luckily they always took their violins everywhere anyway, or Brett may have suspected that he was up to something!

Eddy got behind the wheel of their car while Brett locked up, and soon they were on the road. 
¨I'm just going to call the cake shop, okay? I just want to make sure everything's clear there.¨ Brett said after a while. 
¨Course!¨ he answered, knowing full well that if Brett had arranged it it would all be okay anyway. But he sure wasn't going to stop him from checking. 
He was lost in thought again, Brett's voice far away, as he drove out of Brisbane, the thoughts of tomorrow floating around his head until he drove basically on autopilot. 
¨All good?¨ he asked as Brett hung up. 
¨Yep! They'll deliver around 10. The florist is coming around the same time, so we don't have to get up super early.¨
¨Well, that's a relief.¨
Brett took his left hand quietly. 
¨It'll all be fine, you'll see.¨
He glanced left quickly. ¨I know. I'm not worried.¨
Brett chuckled softly. ¨Nah. You don't look worried at all, mate.¨
Eddy rolled his eyes and laughed. 
¨You know me too fucking well.¨

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