Brett's uncle's house III

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All too soon it was all over and they ran through the aisle to the house amid the cheers and shouting of everyone around them. They walked into the kitchen, both of them beaming, and Brett threw his arms around Eddy, pulling him close. 
¨Thank you for playing that so beautifully. It was the best surprise.¨
He grinned against Brett's cheek. ¨I know you've heard me play it a million times, but I wanted to play something for you anyway.¨
Brett looked at him, his eyes full of his earnestness.
¨I'll never get tired of listening to you play the violin.¨
Eddy bent forward and kissed him, their lips softly touching at first, but soon enough their kiss deepened and they were both slightly breathless when they pulled away. 
¨Yeah.¨ Brett said, clearing his throat. ¨There will be people here very soon.¨
Eddy grinned again. ¨Bummer.¨ 
As on cue some of their guests burst through the door and suddenly it rained hugs and kisses. 
Eddy's mother put both of her hands on his cheeks and looked him right in the eyes. 
¨Congratulations, my son.¨ she said, and she pulled him close to her. Belle was behind her, her eyes suspiciously shiny. 
¨Congrats, big brother.¨ she said softly as she put her arm around him. ¨It was beautiful.¨

A few hours later dinner had been eaten, a million congratulations were given, silly speeches had been made with Ibo having everyone in stitches yet again, and the party was in full swing. Eddy was actually quite enjoying this party, although he had to admit to looking forward to it being over in equal parts. But for once it wasn't so bad to be the centre of attention.
Ibo had had way to much to drink and was now dancing with Elina. 
¨Look at that!¨ he half shouted in Brett's ear over the music, pointing to the two of them. 
Brett's eyebrows shot up. ¨Ha! I wonder what will happen there!¨
Suddenly there was a tap on Eddy's shoulder, and when he turned around both their mothers were there. 
¨Can we have a dance with our sons?¨ his mum said, and he nodded straight away.
He couldn't remember ever dancing with his mum before, in fact, he couldn't remember her ever being like this. They'd always been close, but not like this. 
He put his hands on her shoulders and they danced in silence for a while until she bent forward to talk to him. 
¨I'm so happy to see you so happy, Eddy. It was a beautiful wedding. Thank you for having it.¨
He had to push the tears that were threatening back down, because her words touched him deeply. He pulled her closer. 
¨I'm so glad you're here, mum. I'm so glad we're having these moments together.¨
She smiled at him. 
¨I'll be expecting to do lots of babysitting soon!¨
He laughed out loud. ¨I'll hold you to that, mum!¨
The song ended then, and she gave him a graceful nod and walked off. A slow song came on now, and when he turned around Brett was already ready for him, smiling at him with his arms extended. 
He walked into his waiting arms and held him tight, and they swayed in time to the music. Eddy smiled as he smelled the sweet scent of his hair; the smell of shampoo and Brett and home. He leant into him and kissed his neck softly as they danced, his hands stroking the skin of his lower back through the fabric of his dress shirt. Their jackets had long since been thrown on a chair somewhere. 
It was heaven, this. Suddenly it was like they were on their own, in their own little bubble of happiness. The words that Brett said that afternoon still resonated in Eddy's head. 
He'd said them before, in Vegas, but now he knew that he was living them every day. 
¨You make me so happy, Brett.¨ he half whispered, so close to his ear he knew he'd be able to hear him over the music.
Brett replied by kissing him sweetly, so tenderly, his lips so soft. 
Eddy bit Brett's lip softly as he kissed him back, and suddenly he couldn't wait for the party to be over. 

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