Brett's uncle's house I

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The moment, this moment, it was perfection. The bed was comfortable, the sheets were soft and fluffy, the arm around him was warm and loving and the air smelled sweetly like the flowers that were growing outside the open window.
Eddy kept his eyes resolutely shut, because deep down he knew that the second he allowed himself to open them he'd be nervous. Super nervous. But right now, in that blissful state between sleeping and waking, it was perfection and he would happily stay there all day. 

All too soon there was the small telltale snort of a waking Brett next to him, and reluctantly he had to let the moment go. 
Yup. Now he was nervous. Really fucking nervous. Soon everyone would be coming. They were keeping the event small, but unfortunately small still meant a hundred people. He'd be up there in front of them all like it was the most important performance of his life, only there wouldn't be a violin in between him and the audience; it would just be him, his soul naked for the whole world to see. 
He swallowed, trying to quell the nerves. It didn't help one bit. 
¨Hey my love, are you okay?¨ Brett's voice came. 
He waited a second to make sure his voice would work. 
¨Erm... well, I'm so nervous I feel like I could throw up?¨
He could sense Brett's concerned smile. 
¨Well, please don't do that, okay? You'll be fine, you know that. You always are.¨
He nodded, and put his head on the crook between Brett's arm and his shoulder, snuggling into him, breathing deeply. 
He loved the smell of Brett, that telltale mixture of their fabric softener, the left over aftershave from yesterday, and his skin's sweet smell. He smelled like home. 
Brett held him tight, leaning his head on his. 
¨You will be fine. Come on, we need to get up.¨
¨Yeah.¨ Eddy said softly, and reluctantly he raised his head and got up. 
¨I'll be next to you every second of today, okay?¨ Brett said. 

They had some breakfast, although Eddy couldn't get much of it down. He knew Brett was nervous too but, as always, he was a lot better at hiding it than he was. 
After that, mercifully, there wasn't much time to think anymore. The flower people came and they needed to be told where everything went. Their cake had been delivered to the front driveway and it was gorgeous. 
They stood together and looked at the delicate pastry violin. It was just the right colour and it had four strings and a bridge. He gawked at the beautifully delicate piped flowers that surrounded the giant cake. Hmm. She'd done it that way for a birthday? Or had she realised what it was actually for?
¨Oh my God, look!¨ Brett said, pointing. ¨It's got just one fine tuner!¨
Eddy looked, and it was true. 
¨Oh man, that's awesome!¨
¨Erm, do you reckon she suspected what it was really for?¨ he asked Brett, who shrugged. 
¨You know, I think she might have suspected. But I'm sure she won't say anything anyway.¨

At that moment the door opened and Belle walked in with their mum, looking slightly concerned.
¨Belle! Sis! How are you?¨
She sighed and spoke.
¨Well, I'm fine, but I was sick on the way here... I think mum has some questions...¨
His eyes shot to his mum, who was looking at him with her  whithering 'tell me now!' look. 
Shit. She knew a little bit of their plans, but they hadn't told anyone that they had been successful, wanting to wait until the 12 week mark when all would be safe. But by the looks of things, this now wasn't an option anymore. He looked at Brett, who shrugged resignedly. 
¨Eddy, I'm about to walk you down an aisle, please tell me what's going on!¨ his mum said then and he breathed deeply. 
¨Okay, well, mum, we were going to wait a bit for safety, no one knows yet. But I guess you can be the first one to know that Belle is pregnant with our.... our twins.¨
He thought he may have to catch her for a moment. Her face paled, her eyes flew open and her jaw dropped. 
¨Mum? You okay?¨ he said, concerned. 
Unexpectedly she flew to him and crushed herself to his chest. 
¨Is it real? Is it really real?¨ she said, breathlessly looking at him for a moment.
He smiled. ¨Yes mum, it's really real, but it's early days. We have another ultrasound in a couple of weeks. Belle is 9 weeks pregnant now.¨
¨Oh my goodness...¨ she whispered and pulled him into another hug. Then she turned and threw her arms around Belle. 
¨Oh, my beautiful daughter... this gift you're giving your brother....¨
Her voice choked up and he saw tears in her eyes. Whoa. His mum never cried.  
¨I know mum, but you don't have to cry.¨ Belle said in her calm voice. ¨I'm more than happy to do it. Now, come on, let's get some boys married, shall we?¨
His mum nodded and let go. ¨Yes. Let's do that. You have made me a very happy mother, the three of you.¨
With that, she turned on her heel and walked out of the kitchen.  


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