Maldives beach

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Eddy opened his eyes to the warm light of the morning sun. It took him a while to work out where he was, but then he realised. Oh man, they'd fallen asleep outside under their towel!

The soft light filtering through the canopy of the palm fronds, the sweet man still sleeping peacefully beside him and the sounds of the waves softly crashing on the sand of the beach... it was all absolutely beautiful and it would have made for an incredibly romantic moment, were it not for the fact that he had a krick in his neck from sleeping on the sand and he had to pee like a race horse.
Also he was still naked and the evidence of last night's love making was a lot less pleasant in the morning. He needed a shower and he needed it a.s.a.p.! 

He tried to softly disentangle himself from Brett without waking him up, but that didn't work, of course. The dark eyes next to him opened and a sweet smile spread on Brett's lips. 
¨Good morning gorgeous.¨ Brett said in his sleepy morning voice. Then he grimaced and rubbed his left shoulder.
¨Fuck, I'm too old to sleep on sand.¨
Eddy laughed and stroked his hair, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
¨Me too. Look, I gotta go toilet like now, wanna join me in the shower in a minute?¨
Brett just raised his eyebrows ironically, and Eddy gathered he didn't need to ask. 

He got up, put one of the towels around his waist and started walking towards the cabin, but he was stiff and he limped a bit as he walked through the soft sand. Brett started humming behind him and it took Eddy a second to work out what the melody was.
Oh for fuck's sake. He was humming 'Dance of the sugar fairy'! 
He rolled his eyes and shook his head, and then he turned around and gave Brett the finger, just before he headed into their cabin. The sound of Brett's laughter followed him in. 

A couple of minutes later they were both stood under the warm water. 
¨Want me to rub that shoulder?¨ Eddy asked softly. 
Brett's eyes lit up. ¨That'd be great, thank you.¨
He found the stiff muscle soon enough, and kneaded it with his strong fingers until Brett was sighing contentedly. 
¨Ah, that's just the spot¨, he groaned. 
When the muscle had given up its resistence Eddy turned Brett around and hugged him tight, his nose in Brett's soft hair. 
¨Come on, let me massage you now¨, Brett said. 
Well, he didn't have to tell him twice: Eddy turned around straight away, rubbing the sore spot himself to indicate where it was. 
Oh, but did Brett ever have magic fingers. Eddy groaned as Brett's nimble digits worked on the knots, feeling his body relax more and more, until he had full movement of his arm back. 
He turned around again and kissed him deeply. 
¨You're a marvel, did you know that?¨ he whispered in his ear. 
¨It takes one to know one...¨ Brett whispered back. 

¨Come on, let's get going¨, Eddy said after a minute, knowing full well that they could very easily spend a lot more time here.
¨Wanna go grab some breakfast in that lovely little place overlooking the ocean?¨
Brett looked up to him through his eyelashes, with a look that Eddy could only describe as coy. 
¨What, you in a hurry?¨
Well... if he put it that way? Eddy could already feel himself reacting to Brett's look and his tone. 
¨Nah¨, he smiled, his eyes narrowing slightly. ¨Absolutely not.¨
He pulled Brett closer to him and kissed him again, but this time there was a lot more urgency in his touch. 
¨I love you, Brett¨, he whispered. 

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