San Francisco 2

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San Francisco was something else. 
As Eddy hurried through the streets, looking for a drug store, there were signs everwhere, warning what to do in the event of an earth quake. It was more than a little bit unsettling, he thought.
Behind him there were beautiful mountains, and in front of him he had a clear view of the bay and the Golden Gate bridge in the distance. He could even see Alcatraz on its island, or at least he assumed that's what it was from the pictures he had seen.
Everything was on a slope, going down from the mountains, all the way to the water.

He'd seen the tracks in the road, but hadn't really registered what they were until he heard one of the famous red cable cars approaching. It made the strangest sound, and it took him a minute to work out that he could actually hear the cables going underneath the road as the car went past. He stared after the iconic tram in awe. 
The whole place was beautiful, and it had an artistic vibe to it. Eddy loved it! They'd definitely have to come back here some day and stay a bit longer. 
He found a drug store soon enough, and got everything he needed. At the last moment he also decided on a high dosage vitamin C. It would be very unhelpful for him to get sick too. 

Bag in hand he hurried back. There'd be enough time to discover the city later, when Brett was feeling better. 
As he got into the room he saw Brett hadn't moved at all.
¨Hey my love¨, he whispered. ¨I'm back. Wake up a sec, okay? I've got some medicine for you here.¨
Brett halfway opened his eyes, and groaned. He lifted his head a little bit, taking the medicine out of the cap. A second later he was asleep again.
Eddy quickly got undressed and slipped into the bed as well, falling asleep straight away. 

When he woke up it was dark outside. Shit, what time was it? He had no idea where his phone was and he didn't want to wake Brett, who needed his sleep. 
His stirring had woken Brett up, though, because he felt movement next to him. 
¨Hey!¨ he said softly, when he looked left and saw open eyes in the dim light. ¨You any better?¨
¨Yeah, I think I'm through the worst of it¨, Brett croaked, before coughing. ¨I'm so sorry you had to drag me through airports like that.¨
¨Ah, stop it. What was I gonna do, leave you there?¨
Brett smiled. ¨Well, thank you, anyway. I hope I'm not gonna get you sick too.¨
¨I got some vitamin C¨, Eddy said, getting up to look for the phone. 
It was 4:30 am. They'd slept for ages. 
He knew he wouldn't be sleeping anymore, but he got back in bed anyway. 

¨So, erm...¨ Brett began, his sheepish tone in his voice. 
Seriously, what did he find to be sheepish about now??
¨What's up?¨
¨Well, I was just wondering. Are we... are we going to change living arrangements, when we get back?¨
Eddy felt his cheeks light up with a smile that reached right down to his heart. At the moment they were officially still living in separate houses, Brett living with his parents, and he in his own apartment. And although Brett stayed over all the time anyway, he was very ready for him to live there officially. 
¨Well...¨ Eddy said, a bit nervous despite himself. ¨I'd love for you to come live with me, if you'd like. Or we can find a different place, if you prefer?¨
He felt Brett's smile, although he couldn't see it in the dusk. 
¨I would love that. If you're sure.¨
¨I can't think of anything better than living with you, Brett, and waking up next to you always.¨ he said, beaming. 
He thought for a second, because there was a weight to Brett's silence he was starting to recognise. 
¨Hey!¨ he added then, putting his hand on Brett's cheek and turning his head slightly to face him. ¨You're gonna have to get used to having me around, okay? No more being insecure now, okay?¨
Brett grinned softly. ¨I'm getting there, I promise.¨

Brett was coughing intensely still, but when Eddy put his hand on his forehead he wasn't as hot and sweaty anymore, and Eddy breathed a silent sigh of relief. 

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