Singapore, concert

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The rest of the day flew by in a whirlwind of impressions. They had many arrangements to make with the venue, they rehearsed with the accompanist and they decided to have another run through, practicing the jokes to an empty auditorium. Matt laughed at the right times at least, so that was an encouraging sign.
They only just had time to quickly get away to have a bite to eat, and when they came back it was almost show time. 

They ran to their dressing room to get into their concert clothes. They were already completely in the performance zone, fully focussed on what they were about to do.
Some nerves jittered about in Eddy's belly, but mostly he was feeling good.
¨You okay, bro?¨ he asked.
¨Absolutely¨, Brett smiled at him. ¨Let's do this!¨
They picked up their violins and gave each other a quick hug before they left the dressing room. 

And there they were, stood in the wings in the dark, side by side, violins in hand. 
The applause thundered, and they stepped out into the light and started their show. 

The concert went fantastic. The audience were very responsive, laughing at all the right moments, and they were clearly enraptured at their music. Eddy rolled over the stage in his red boxers and the audience exploded in laughter. 

The boys knew that people weren't really expecting them to be very good violinists, because they always mucked about so much in their videos, and that only made it all even better. They loved really making music, they loved seeing the crowd enjoy their passion. 
Eddy looked sideways at Brett, as he played a bit of his beloved Tchaikovsky concerto, and he swelled with pride. 

The only hitch came during the Bach, when Brett, without warning, came in a semitone too high, causing the whole piece to sound more like Stravinsky than Bach. Eddy shot him an astounded look, and Brett looked helplessly back at him. Eddy guessed he still had the older arrangement in his head. Luckily, the audience had no idea what was going on. 

Before they knew it they were through the show. The applause at the end went on and on, the audience cheering and whistling, as the boys bowed and beamed into the stage lights.
Then they walked off, and hugged each other tight. They'd done it! 

Back in the dressing room there was an athmosphere of triumph. They stowed their violins safely away and drank a glass of water, when Eddy enveloped Brett in a fierce hug, and kissed him sweetly on his lips.
¨You, my friend, were awesome.¨
Not as awesome as you.¨

After a few minutes of reveling in the after-concert glow they headed back out, to the first meet and greet with their fans.
They really weren't prepared at all for what they were stepping into. Almost all of the audience had stayed to meet their violin heroes and everyone wanted to meet them, take pictures, get autographs. It turned out to be a massive crowd of fans. And all of these people had come, already knowing all kinds of things about them because of their videos, which was super weird.
It was one thing to make a video in front of a camera, it was quite another to meet the people who had seen and loved them! 

Some fans really gushed and were clearly flustered in their presence. Eddy found the whole experience quite bizarre, but exhilarating too. They were just two classical music nerds from Brisbane, and now suddenly they were treated like they were superstars or something. He didn't quite know what to make of that yet, but he enjoyed every minute of the night. 
Every once in a while, there would be a minute touch between them. A hand on a shoulder, two hands brushing against each other, and it was like Brett's warmth spread through him every time. Eddy would look at Brett and smile, before turning his friendly gaze back on the next fan, coming to greet them. 

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