The Drunk British Shapeshifter's Big Ask

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Prompt: Charlie's plan to drink some liquid courage goes astray when she ends up drunk

"Charlie? Babe, is that you?" Zari calls out from her and Charlie's quarters as someone falls into their room face first to the floor.

"You're bloody right, it is!" Charlie exclaims as she jumps back up to her feet.

"Are you drunk, Charlie?" Zari asks, trying to hold in her laughter at her girlfriend's drunken state.

"Bob's your uncle! You're such a smart babe." Charlie grins as she flops into their bed, gazing lovingly at her girlfriend.

"God, how much did you have to drink? I've never seen you drunk before." Zari questions as she sets aside her tablet.

"I don't know. One turned to two. Two turned to three. Three turned to four. Four turned to five. And then-." Charlie begins to ramble.

"Let me guess, five turned to six?" Zari says with a smirk as she gets up from their bed.

"Such a wicked babe. But yeah, they just kept going on and on and on and on and on." Charlie continues on.

"I'm starting to see that. Why'd you drink so much anyway? That's not like you. Should I be worried?" Zari asks carefully as she begins to carefully remove Charlie's shoes.

"I don't know. Liquid courage I suppose." Charlie reasons.

"Oh? And what would the love of my life need courage for?" Zari teases as she begins to remove Charlie's jeans, leaving her in her underwear.

"Cause I wanna ask you something love. And I'm afraid of what you'll say." Charlie confesses as she sits up slightly while Zari's carefully and quickly removes her bra and shirt.

"Charlie. You never have to be afraid when it comes to me. Whatever it is, we'll work it out. We always do." Zaria reassures as she slips a large, soft shirt over Charlie's head, kissing her cheek softly.

"You mean it, Z?" Charlie whispers.

"Charlie. You know I do." Zari grins, folding her girlfriend dirty clothes.

"Well, then I'd like to ask you to marry me, Zari. I mean it too." Charlie says as she sits up, her daze eyes try to focus on the woman in front of her.

"Marriage? That's very serious of you. I didn't know you were trying to make an honest woman out of me." Zari says seriously as she climbs back into bed, laying beside Charlie.

"I do, love. But only if that's what you want. I don't care if you say no, I just want you in my life, Zari. You mean the world to me." Charlie says.

"Ok. Ask me tomorrow." Zari sighs.

"What?" Charlie asks.

"You're drunk. When we look back on this, I don't want to tell our kids that their mother was drunk when she asked me to marry her. So, sober up and ask me tomorrow." Zari answers.

"You're serious? Is this you saying yes?" Charlie gasps, sitting up slightly in her excitement.

"This is me saying ask me tomorrow when you're sober." Zari dismisses, but she can't hold back her smirk at her girlfriend's antics.

The next day, Zari said yes.

Author's Note: vote and comment prompts!

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