Just Shut Up, Z

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Prompt: Amaya thinks Zari should shut up and kiss her.

"Mick is a complete asshole! First he doesn't give a flying crap about the totem and just stuffs his face with food. Then he actually thinks without his stomach and trains. BUT HE MANAGES TO SCREW THAT UP, TOO! I gave him a target, a target Amaya. I told him to hit only the target, instead he goes all pyromaniac and burst things into flames." Zaria rants angrily.

"Mhm." Amaya nods as she looks at Zari, focusing on how beautiful Zari look when she's angry and it isn't her doing.

"Then Nate managed to screw up Gideon's system, doing who knows what. And guess who has to clean it all up? ME! First I have till deal with asshole Mick, then it was half minded Nate!" Zari exclaims.

"Tragic." Amaya mumbles, only half paying attention as Zara begins to pace around the room.

"And freaking Wally! He beat all my high scores on the games! What an ASS! Who does that! Which is totally unfair because he has freaking lighting fast hands! I bet if I took that away he wouldn't even reach my level!" Zari snaps.

"Zari Tomaz, I love you with all my heart and I'm really sorry you're having a bad. But will you just shut up and kiss me? Because everyone is stupid on this ship, and if we got mad every time there'd be no time for important things. Like kissing me right now." Amaya sighs as she stands up and pulls Zari towards her.

"When you put it that way." Zari laughs as she leans in for a kiss.

Author's Note: vote and comment prompts! also comment "THIS ONE" on my other arrowverse stories to decide which one gets a week of daily updates. EXCLUDING THIS ONE!!! also, how's your Friday going? how was your week guys? Message me or comment, nothing weird just trying to get to know my readers better.

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