Sooner or Later...You Won't Resist Me [Ch. 27]

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Sooner or Later...You Won't Resist Me

Previously: I moaned in his mouth as our tongues were gently wrestling each other. "So, you're going on a date," Cory stated flatly, not in his usually teasing way. I sighed again. "Yeah," I mumbled and softly bit the side of my bottom lip. "All we did was kiss! It didn't mean anything!" I shouted towards him, completely insulted. "Right, it didn't mean anything," he agreed while looking around the room. Deep down, somewhere far from my brain, that kissed had meaning to me, whether it did for Cory or not. I get the point? What does he mean by that? We both initiated the kiss, so why am I the one to get the point?

Chapter 27

It's Saturday and the last night kept replaying through my head. Gawd lee, I honestly do not know why I allowed myself to kiss Cory. I keep telling myself that I was having mixed feelings because of that dream, but after that kiss...I'm completely confused.

And on top of that, Cory gave me the point. I didn't even know that kiss was for the game. I feel like a fool thinking that maybe, just maybe, we kissed for something more, but oh well, no sense on dwelling over the past. I got up from bed and decided to go visit Courtney. I feel as though I haven't spoken with her in ages, and I need my bestfriend's advice.

That's why I've decided to tell Courtney what happened between her brother and I. I took a shower and put on a pair of black skinny jeans with a white muscle shirt and yellow hoodie jacket. I put my hair into a ponytail and headed next door.

I don't see their parents' car here, so I figure they'll be gone for the weekend. I rang the doorbell and awaited someone to open the door. Okay, so here's the plan when it comes to Cory: Pretend like nothing happened last night. Cory and I didn't kiss, hell, let's just forget about that whole point. So we're still tied, five to five. Right, now all I have to do is run all this by Co-

The door opened. I didn't even realize my head was down until I saw white socks in my view. I then ran my eyes up the blue pajama pants and found perfectly tanned and sculpted abs, firm chest, chin, lips, and eyes of Cory. I looked towards his six pack again and groaned in frustration. Ugh, why does he have to be so annoying yet so completely sexy? Can't he be ugly and nice? Is that too much to ask?!

"What do you want?" he finally spoke, his voice deep and sexual. I looked up and met his eyes. I couldn't see much emotion behind him, but I did catch a hint of annoyance.

"Instead of saying that, why not try 'Why hello Isyss, what brings you here this fine sunny day'?" I encourage. Gawd lee, every time they open the door I feel like a complete stranger.

"Yeah, I'm not gonna say that," he denied flatly.

I shook my head at my failed attempt to get him to be a happy greeter. "So where's your twin?" I asked while looking over his shoulder into the house.

"Sleep," he answered simply, looking me dead in my eyes. My eyes reluctantly found his lips and caused memories of the kiss we shared slid into my mind. I bit the side of my bottom lip until I heard a door shut, which brought me back to reality.

I looked back up to Cory and found him smirking that smirk of his as he gazed at something behind me. I turned around and saw a girl walking up to us. She was African American and her curly hair was lying fashionably on her shoulders. I didn't recognize her so I don't think she goes to my school.

"Cory!" she greeted before bomb-rushing past me and hugging Cory. Then she forcefully kissed him, messy. She was moaning unnecessarily and I just stood there trying not to vomit. I cleared my throat and they finally broke it off.

"Why, hello Ebony, what brings you here this fine sunny day?" he asked her. What? What the hell?! I narrowed my eyes at him as he smirked at her, not once looking at me.

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