Sooner or Later...You Won't Resist Me [Ch. 11]

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Sooner or Later...You Won't Resist Me

Previously: "Soooooooo, since we're even know, how about a tie breaker," he suggested, stretching out the 'o' in so. "Okay," I say with defeat. "Game on man-whore. Hope you're ready to lose," I say when I finally spot Courtney, to my surprise, she isn't with Brent Daniels, she's with Quentin. "Oh baby, my plan has already started," he explains before softly smacking my butt and walking off. I curse him in my head. Oh Cory King, you have no idea what I'm capable of...

Chapter 11

I began walking over to Courtney and Quentin, forcing my way through the stream of students crowding the halls. Courtney and Quentin were hovering over a brochure table. "Ooh tanning salon! We should definitely go to this one," she announced while holding up a card the size of an index card, showing it to Quentin.

"No thank you, I have a penis," he retorted back.

I laughed as I approach them. "What's up?" I greet them with hugs. Quentin shrugged and raised his eyebrows.

"You tell me," he replied and only I know what he's implying. He wants an update on what's been happening with Cory and I. I gave him a look saying I'll tell him later.

Courtney looked at both of us suspiciously. "Oh...kay? What's going on and why aren't I involved?" she asked us both. Damn it, I forgot how observant she can be. I shoot Quentin a look of help, he dug his hands into his front pockets of his deniem jeans and shrugs his shoulders. Wow! Thank you Quentin for being no help at all!

So now I'm contemplating on whether or not I should tell Courtney. Would she be mad at me? Would she care? There's only one way to find out, so I began to explain, "See, Courtney, what happen was--"

"Cut the crap Isyss and just tell me," she commands with a hint of amusement in her voice. I take a deep breathe.

"I've been sorta kinda playing around with your brother," I begin again. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

"You've been having sex with my brother?" she says with disappointment in her eyes. What?! Eww, gross. I'm getting disgusted just thinking of doing that with him.

"Oh my god, no! Why would you even think that?!" I asked, not trying to hide the distaste in my words.

"Well, you said you've been playing around with my brother so..."

"No! I meant like actually playing a game!" I reassure her. She lets out a sigh of relief and smiles. I hear Quentin chuckle under his help at all.

"So, what's the game?" Courtney asked, happy again.

"Well, it consists of teasing and embarrassment."

She's quiet for a moment. I decided not to tell her everything, I'm not ready to die just yet...haha no I'm kidding. She actually wouldn't mind if I lost my mind one day and started liking Cory out of desperation for love. I remember a couple of years back she had sat Cory and I down in her frontroom and was like "I don't care if you two start dating, just as long as one of you don't come crying to me when your poor little heart gets broken".

Haha...she actually said it in more of a Rated R kind of way, but hey, that's Courtney. I guess she was just disappointed right then because I had promised her that the day I fall in love with Cory will be the day after I kill myself from the realization of me liking him....if that makes sense.

"So who's winning?" she asked. Quentin and I looked at each other, a little shocked. I didn't really think she'd be interested in it.

"It's actually a tie now," I tell them both. Courtney nodded her head, and Quentin just looked at me with laughter behind his eyelids.

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