Sad Ending

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   " Oliver...I'll...."

The sirens got louder as they got closer. Oliver looked at me with tears in his eyes.

   " Oliver...I can't. I don't love you and I'm not going to lie to you and say I do. I'm sorry but I don't love you. "

   " Y/n. "

His eyes changed quickly. They weren't loving anymore. They were sinister. His grip on my wrist became tighter.

   " If I can't have you then no one can! "

He pulled me to him and started pulling me away from where we were. I struggled and tried to free myself but his grip was strong. I did what I could to get out of his grip but I couldn't escape his grip. The sirens got louder and louder and Oliver wasn't going very fast.

   ' Maybe if I keep struggling then they can catch us. '

I kept moving and trying to escape his grip. I could tell he was having trouble because I was starting to slip. Eventually, he set me on the ground and picked me back up and threw me over his shoulder.

   " Stop squirming. "

   " No, I don't want to go back to that house! I'll die before I! "

I squirmed even more and tried my hardest to make him slow down. It must have worked because the sirens were right behind us. I started screaming.

   " Help! "

   " Help! "

   " Help! "

   " Drop the girl! "

The cars stopped and a man stepped out and shined a light on us. I smiled at seeing them there. Oliver stopped walking He set me down and whispered in my ear.

   " Don't move a muscle or I will make your torture a lot worse. "

He stood back up and turned around. He rose his hands up.

   " Step away from the girl! "

   " No thank you. "

Quickly he got behind you and held a knife to your neck. It cut into your skin and blood started to drip. The cops stopped moving and didn't try to grab their weapons.

   " Let us go free and she won't get hurt. "

   " Let her go and your life won't be in danger of our weapons. "

   " What weapons? You don't even have them in your hands. "

I looked up a little at Oliver and saw a crazed smile on his face and his eyes were dilated. His crazed smile showed his pearly white teeth. I felt terrified but I swallowed it down.

   " If I were you I would put your weapons down before I harm her. "

   " You wouldn't! "

   " Oh? "

I felt the knife leave my neck and I felt a cut on my arm. I screamed and looked down at my arm. There was a big slash in my arm and blood was flowing from my arm.

   " She's already admitted to me she doesn't love me so there's nothing left for me in this world! If I can't have her no one will! "

He raised the knife but the cops started firing at him. The bullets found Oliver on his neck and the left side of his chest. Before he fell back he had cut my chest and half of my throat. Oliver fell back and hit the concrete and I fell back with him and landed beside him. I could hardly breathe. I heard movement beside me and I saw out of the corner of my eye Oliver was moving. He moved closer towards me and he crawled beside me and got on top of me. He was bleeding very badly and he had a little blood on the corner of his mouth.

   " of us...goes does th-th-the.......other. You will always....have "

My eyes started getting spotted. I could hear the ambulance coming but I knew it wouldn't make it in time. Oliver laid on top of me and his blood was flow became faster. The spots increased until it was just darkness.

( Anyone's P.O.V. )

As spots covered your vision your breath slowed down. Your heartbeat got slower. A tear slipped from your eye as you took your last breath. Oliver stayed on top of you. His head laid on your chest and when he couldn't hear your heartbeat anymore he lifted his head.

   " Muse? "

He lifted your head and turned it left and right. You didn't respond and your eyes didn't move. He hovered his hand over your mouth and nose and felt no air.

   " My muse? "

He felt tears leave his eyes and he pulled your head to his chest. He held you there and whispered sweet things into your ear.

   " I love you. "

   " I'm sorry. "

   " I didn't want to kill you. "

   "  No one else could have you. "

   " I loved you too much. "

   " Please forgive me. "

The cops tried to pry your body away but he wouldn't let them. He continued to whisper to you until he died of the bullets in his body. Even after death, it was hard to pry your body away from him.

( Ryo's P.O.V. )

   ' This bed is uncomfortable. '

I wiggled around the bed while being careful of my wound. I eventually moved to my side and laid on my side and stared at the TV.

   ' I hope Y/n is okay. '

I looked towards the door when I heard it open. A nurse walked inside with her clipboard to her side. She walked to my bed and stood there looking at me with a sad look.

   " Mr. Chinen you knew a girl named L/n, right? "

   " Yes, she's my girlfriend. Is she okay? "

   " I'm sorry to inform you that she has died. "

   " How? " I said very softly

   " The cops were going after her and her kidnapper and he pulled a knife out on her and slashed her arm then when the cops fired at him he cut her throat exactly right to make her bleed to death. The man died a couple of minutes later and the cops are trying to pry the man's body away from your girlfriends. Again I am very sorry. I'll leave you now. "

The nurse left and shut the door behind her. I laid on my side and tears started spilling from my eyes. They were warm as they slid down my cheeks. I held my pillow close to me and squeezed it hard against me. The tears would not stop leaving my eyes. I started sobbing into my pillow.

   ' Y/n........I love you. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I should have been there. I should have been there so you weren't alone. I'm sorry. '

   " I'm so so sorry Y/n. " He said aloud.

   " I love you Y/n. I love you. "

The End~

Another ending will be out next week

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