Feelings or Escape

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As soon as we both finished eating he paid the bill and we left the fancy restaurant. We started walking through the city and looking around all of the shops. We didn't buy anything. More like he didn't buy anything for me. 

   " Where would you like to go next, my muse? "

    " The park? "

   " Excellent idea! We could stargaze for a bit and then return home. "

I only nodded as we started walking to the park. It wasn't that far of a walk, but when we got there the lights illuminated the whole park along with the moonlight making it look spectacular. It was silent as we walked through the park. 

   ' Of course, it would be. No one would be out here at this time. They would be in the city with all the shops and at home in bed. So, I can't come here to the park. He would certainly spot me. '

   " My muse, are you enjoying yourself? "

   " I am. "

   " I'm glad. I wanted you to enjoy yourself tonight. You know I don't like keeping you locked up with that chain around your ankle. "

   " I'm sure. "

   " It was your punishment. You left me. "

   " For good reason. "

   " For what!? We promised I wouldn't kill anyone else if you stayed with me. Then you just leave out of nowhere. "

   " Because I felt caged! I wanted to be free and make my own decisions. "

   " It's not like it matters anymore now. Your bank account is safe under a passcode so I couldn't get to that, but the bank repossessed your house and your grades are gone. "

   " You won't have anywhere to go. So, you have to stay with me. "

   ' Yeah, right. I'm getting out as soon as I can. Just wait. '

   " I love you, Y/n. With all of my heart, but you tried to leave me and that hurt. You being chianed up was your punishment for leaving me. I'm positive that it won't happen again. We've taken to many precautions once we found out you escaped. "

   " Yeah, I noticed. "

   " Y/n please don't be mad. I did this all for our love. "

   " ... "

   " Let's get home. It's starting to get cold, and I don't want you getting sick. "

We started walking to the exit of the park. Oliver started calling for the driver to come get us. We met the limo at the exit and got in. Neither of us said a word on the way back. I kept my eyes outside on the sky. I watched the stars as we drove out of the city. As the limo stopped I thought about running away right then and there. I was ready to take my heels off and run but I remembered that the driver could drive after me. 

   ' I need to go inside and just plan out what I'm going to do. If he loves me a lot then he'll surely take me out again. I just need to play nice and get to that point where I can go out agian. '

I got out of the limo and walked with Oliver to the gate. I watched as he put in the pin number to make sure I had it stuck in my mind.

   ' 25, 14, 12, 5, 23, 9, 19. I have it right. '

We walked through the gate and he shut it behind me and locked it back. We walked to the front door and he took out his keys. He found the right key and unlocked the door. I was reaching to open it, but Oliver grabbed my wrist before I could touch the doorknob. I looked up at him and he brought my hand to him.

   " Y/n thank you for coming on this date with me. "

   " Thank you for letting me leave and get some air. "

   " Y/n you have been very good tonight so I won't chain you up again. Okay? "

   " Okay. "

We just stood there in silence. His hand still held mine to his chest. His other hand reached up towards my face. It rested on my cheek. His hand was ice cold. 

   ' Play nice. '

Quickly he got closer and kissed me. He let go of my hand and held my other cheek.

   ' This is......nice. '

Slowly I felt myself start to kiss him back. The kiss turned from gentle and sweet into one of deepness. My arms rested against him while his hand sfound their way to my waist and neck. He turned his head deepening the kiss. I grabbed on to his neck and brought him closer.

   ' What am I doing!? '

I pulled away and let go of him. I walked inside and shut the front door behind me. I ran up to my room and locked the door. 

   " What was I doing? Why was I kissing him? I'm trying to escape not catch feelings for someone who killed my friends. Why did I do that? "

I decided to stop thinking about it and went to get a shower. I got changed into some pajamas and then I got on the laptop that I found. 

   ' I don't trust that Ryo was killed. He might be, but there is going to be something about him on the obituaries or hospital records. '

That's where my search for Ryo started. Alive of dead I was going to figure it out. Olive ron the other hand was sitting in his study. He was thinking about what happened outside the door to the house. A smile was glued onto his face and it was clear that it wouldn't leave. That memory would never leave him. He was even more determined to keep you with him now. Escape to him from the house was impossible. If there were any cracks or any possible way of getting out, he would make it impossible for his muse to escape. 

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