Mikasan and Million

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I got out of the shower and dried my hair. I jumped into some comfortable clothes and left my bathroom. I looked at my door to the balcony. The chain was taken off of the door two weeks ago when I passed Olivers test. Ever since then I've been trying to think about how I can escape. I haven't been able to come up with anything so far. I walked out of my room and walked downstairs. I saw that Mikasan had an outfit that looked like she was going to the garden.

" Are you going to go outside and work in the garden? "

" I am. Why don't you come to help me? "

" I just got out of the shower. "

" Please. I could use the help. Oliver is at school and Million is out getting groceries. "

" Sure. I guess. "

I put on some shoes and walked outside to the front following her. She crouched in front of a rose bush and started trimming the exerted branches. I started doing it as she did.

" Y/n I have something very important to discuss with you. "

" Yes? "

" Million and I are trying to figure out a way to get you out of Oliver's grasp. "

" What?! "

" Yes, that's why I told you to be careful two weeks ago with his test. Million and I have a plan. Now that he has granted you access to go outside it makes things easier. "

" Why are you going to help me? "

" Because you're my best friend. I don't like seeing you unhappy. "

" I thought you said you couldn't help me. Because he would hurt you and Million. "

" I did say that but we are willing to take that risk. Y/n you are my best friend and I want to see you happy. I know you never got to know Million but he wants to help. He said if it makes me happy then he's fine with doing it. "

" .......Thank you. "

" Anything for you bestie. Now, listen very carefully. I may not get another opportunity to tell you about the plan. "

" Okay. "

" In a week's time Oliver is going to be gone for half a day's work. He will leave in the morning but will be back later maybe at 12 PM. Million is going to get an extra set of keys. Mainly one for the front door and his room door. "

" Why? "

" Because Oliver is afraid something will happen while he is gone. He is going to install new locks on the door tomorrow. Ones you can only open from the inside. Then he will install one on his door because he plans to lock you in there while he is gone. "

" Okay. "

" Million is going to get a replica of the keys and then slip the original keys back in Oliver's suitcase. That night we are going to unlock the door and let you leave. I'm going to search through his papers to try and find the passcode for the gate. "

" I know the passcode. Why don't we do this in the morning? "

" Because Oliver has cameras in the house. At night we are going to turn the lights off as if we are going to bed. I will slip a blanket over the cameras and make it seem like it's too dark for the cameras to pick up anything. During that time you need to sneak downstairs and sneak out. Okay? "

" Got it. "

" Good. I won't be able to tell you the plan again. When Million is ready he will knock three times on the door to Oliver's room. All you need to do is get changed into the clothes I leave on the dresser and leave, but be careful and quiet. The cameras would still be able to pick up sound. "

" Okay. Why don't you and Million come with me? "

" What? "

" Come with me. Oliver would torture you both for letting me escape. So, come with me. "

" I'll think about it. Our main priority is to get you out. I'm going to also leave a bag in your room with a new debit card and some cash from my own bank account. "

" But that's your money. "

" Money I'm giving to you. I don't use it anyway. Have you found where Ryo is? "

" Yes. A hospital on the far side of town. "

" Go get him and then leave. There will be airplane tickets in the bag. "

" Okay. Thank you Mikasan. "

I stood on my knees and hugged her. I felt her hug me back and we embraced each other.

" What are you two hugging about? "

I turned around and saw that Oliver had entered through the gate and had just shut it. I pulled away from Mikasan and looked at him.

" We were talking about trying to convince you of going on vacation. "

" Oh really now? " He said with a smirk.

" Yeah. Maybe, just get out of the house and relax. "

" That sounds like a good idea. Where to? "

" Maybe my favorite place. "

" F/p? Sure why not? I'll think about it. Why don't you come inside and listen to me play the piano? "

" Sure. "

I stood up and dusted myself off and walked inside with Oliver. I saw Mikasan wink at me as I walked inside. We walked up the stairs and into the grand room with the piano and glass wall.

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