Shutdown pt. 1

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The kiss was loving and gentle. I kissed him back and I felt my cheeks heat up. We pulled away and stared at each other. Our eyes never leaving the eyes of the other. His face had a red tint to it. No words were spoken. Neither of us knew what to say. The rain around pounded us. It got heavier and heavier with every second. Eventually, I snapped out of my trance and looked around. The tree didn't shield us anymore, it was raining too hard.

   " We should probably get inside Ryo. The storm is getting worse. "

   " Y-Yeah. "

We started running out of the courtyard and towards the building. Once we made it inside my uniform and hair started dripping all over the floor. I heard the school speakers turn on and the principal spoke through the intercom. 

   " Students please pay attention to what I am about to say. The storm is becoming distressing so we are going to have a shutdown. Everyone will stay in the school and all doors leading outside will be locked. We have already informed your parents of this and everyone needs to make their way to the auditorium. Thank you. "

   " T-That's concerning. "

   " It is. Let's get to the auditor-"

Before he could finish his sentance the doors to the courtyard started automatically closing. Once they finally shut the sound of tapping glass could be heard. The doors were made of thick glass and the rain soaked the door. We couldn't see outside. 

   " -ium. Let's just go. " He said in a worried tone.

I nodded my head and we started walking to the auditorium. It was cold as we walked through the hallway. Ryo took notice and pulled me closer. We continued to walk down the hallway. We passed by the nurses office on the way so we stopped and grabbed a towel. I wrapped mine around myself as we walked to the auditorium. When we got there I could see the entire school filling the seats. Ryo and I decided to stand and watch the assembly. The principal walked to the center of the room and started talking through a microphone.

   " Since the storm is getting worse we will be staying here in the school. We have blankets and pillows for everyone here. The girls will stay on the east side of the school while the boys will stay on the west side. Everyone will sleep at 10. We may be stuck in this school but we aren't leaving with more people than we have enrolled here. Now we will dismiss and seperate. "

Everyone started getting up and moving around. Ryo and I walked towards the pile of pillows and blankets. We each grabbed one and made our way out of the auditorium. I set my blanket and pillow in my locker and reached for my spare bag. 

   ' I'm glad I kept a spare pair of clothes in my locker. '

I walked to the girls bathroom and started to change into my clothes. They were just casual clothes. I put my uniform over the sink to dry and I walked out of the bathroom. I started walking to the lunchroom with my stomach growling. I never ate lunch. I walked into the lunch room and grabbed a snack and sat at a table. I started eating my snack when I saw Oliver walk in.

   " Hey, Oliver. "

   " Hey, Y/n. Were you outside? "

   " Yeah. I saw Ryo and we were running aorund and we were running around outside. "

   " Oh I see. Are you still hungry? Did you not get enough to eat for lunch? "

   " I didn't eat lunch at all. I was looking for you. I found you in the music room playing the piano and I forgot about lunch. "

   " Oh I'm sorry. I was coming to get something to eat as well. "

   " Well, grab something and sit down. "

He smiled and grabbed a bag of chips and sat down in front of me. I smiled at him and he smiled at him. His eyes seemed bright and happy.

   " I guess you and Miro worked everything out? "

   " Well, I told her that I didn't share the same feelings and she was upset about it. So she ran off. I feel bad about it but at the same time I feel relieved that I told her the truth. "

   " Yeah, at least you told her. That's the best thing you could have done. "

   " Thanks. That makes me feel a little better. "

I took notice that he wasn't wearing the school uniform. He was wearing what looked like comfy regular clothes. 

   ' Why did he change out of his uniform? '

   " Why aren't you in your uniform? "

   " I wanted to change into something more comfortable. "

He was wearing a white loose shirt with light blue pants. He did look comfotable. I finished my snack and threw away the container/bag/etc...

   " Well, I'm going to go look for Ryo. I need to talk to him about something. "

   " Can I come with? "

   " Umm sure. "

My stomach felt tight. Like something bad was about to happen. Like my gut knew something was wrong. He stood up and threw his bag away and we started walking around the school. We looked through most of the classrooms but I couldn't find Ryo. I decided to go to the auditorium to see if he left at all. When I got in there I saw a lot of students.

   ' He has to be in here. '

I felt Oliver grab my hand as we walked around. 

   " Let's check behind the bleachers. ' Oliver suggested.

I nodded and we walked behind the bleachers. I pulled my phone out and turned the flashlight on. It was really, really dark behind the bleachers. As we walked I pointed the light around the bleachers. I pointed my phone light towards the right side of the bleachers where it was darkest and screamed.

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