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Danielle: Demi, when will your album be out?

Demi: next month probably

Sophie: oh really? That's so exciting

Demi: yea, it is...I'll be touring the month after the album release?

Paul: how many time?

Demi: two or three months

Paul: US tour, right?

Demi: yep (they nodded)

Joe: we're gonna tour from May to August

Denise: world tour of course

Kevin: yes, I wish we didn't have to travel that much but it's our work

Demi: I wish I could tour worldwide...it's amazing

Frankie: I wish I could tour (we all laughed)

Alena: we wanna tour too

Denise: when you're older, you will (they smiled and Nick cleared his throat)

Nick: of course touring is amazing but sometimes it can be too much...mostly when you have someone you wanna see everyday

Kevin: it happens to me with my three girls (he said caressing Dani's back)

Sophie: oh, I'm gonna miss my bubs so much too (she said and pecked Joe's lips)

Frankie: you guys can visit all the time tho

Nick: yea, sadly Demi will be touring so she won't be able to visit us...Not until June or July (I blushed a little and eveyone looked at us)

Denise: well...she'll visit in July and August then

Nick: yes, but I wish she'd visit all the months (he said caressing my hand that was resting on the table so everyone could notice what was happening)

Denise: what does that mean? (She said pointing to our hands and I giggled looking to Nick, he shrugged and smiled at his family)

Nick: I think it means we're finally taking the next step in our relationship and we are currently...dating

Frankie: fuck yas! (He said out loud and everyone laughed)

Paul: are you dating? Really?

Nick: yes, and we're very happy this way...aren't we? (He asked me and I nodded)

Demi: it's been pretty cool actually

Denise: oh my...this really makes me happy guys, you deserve this

Nick: thanks mom

Alena: are you dating? (We nodded) for real?

Demi: yup, we are

Alena: Valentina, did you hear that? (The younger girl nodded smiling big and they cheered) yey! We're so happy!

Valentina: yes! (She said clapping making us laugh)

Joe: okay, nice try girls but no one is more fan than me of these two (I smiled at Joe and Sophie shook her head)

Sophie: we should discuss that later babe, I wouldn't be so sure (she said proud of herself and we laughed)

Frankie: let's be honest, we all love and support this relationship...we've been actually waiting for a while for this to happen

Demi: good new is that you can stop waiting, it's actually happening

Nick: yea, actually happening (he whispered to me and I bit my lip slightly before glancing to my food again)

I Should Forget You ~ Nemi Where stories live. Discover now