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NICK P.O.V.: I sat in the car and sighed after watching my phone for the third time in the day.

Phil: Nick, what happened?

Nick: nothing, why?

Phil: you've been down lately...and with lately I mean all this past week

Nick: I don't know, I just wanna go home to sleep and rest properly

Phil: Nick...I know you, what happened? Was it a girl?

Nick: don't get me wrong Phil, but I don't wanna talk now

Phil: in the airport? (He asked smiling and I shook my head)

Nick: in the plane...maybe (he nodded)

Phil: okay

I was frustrated...even more than frustrated. I've been waiting for Demi to answer my texts since the night we kissed and she keep ignoring me.


We arrived to the airport, did our check-in and climbed into our private flight. I sat next to a window and Phil sat across the hall staring at me. The plane started flying and he stared at me.

Phil: so...we already are in the plane

Nick: I know

Phil: are you gonna tell me what happened to you? You're always smiley...what was it this time?

Nick: a girl

Phil: can I know her name?

Nick: Phil-

Phil: Nick, come on...we are friends, right? I won't tell anyone about this

Nick: of course you won't but- (I sighed) it's Demi

Phil: so Joe was right when he said that you and Demi were a thing?

Nick: we're not. She's been ignoring me this week

Phil: (he frowned) the whole week? (I nodded) that's weird. She never ignores someone at least it's a bad thing that happened. Something bad happened between the both of you?

Nick: I don't think it was a bad thing precisely but (I shrugged) maybe it was (I whispered)

Phil: what thing?

Nick: don't tell anyone, okay? This is all so...new and problematic

Phil: sure, tell me

Nick: we kinda...kissed

Phil: (he chuckled) kinda?

Nick: you know what I mean (I said rolling my eyes) we kissed after the new year's party we went to all together cause I took her as my date and now...I don't know why she's ignoring me

Phil: Demi is complicated, maybe she just needs time

Nick: I know her Phil, I know her like crazy and I don't think this is just time. She would've talked to me and told me "I need time" but she doesn't answer my text nor take my calls whenever I've tried to contact her

Phil: I'm sorry Nick, I don't know what to say but...I hope everything is okay between you two (I shrugged)

Nick: I don't even know if I should try to find her to talk, maybe I shouldn't

Phil: give her time, I'm sure she'll come to you soon

Nick: I hope...I really do (I looked to the sky and felt a punch in the stomach)

I really thought we were starting something.

I Should Forget You ~ Nemi Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя