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NICK P.O.V.: I drove to Dianna's house and saw Demi waiting for me in the front door sitting and playing on her phone. I smiled to her while walking and she waved at me.

Nick: hey (I said when I got to where she was. I grabbed her hand and she stood up to hug me tightly)

Demi: hey, I missed you (I smiled smelling her hair)

Nick: I missed you too

Demi: I waited for you so we can enter together and make it more obvious that we're dating (she said smiling the way she smiles when she's nervous and I laughed caressing her cheek)

Nick: okay, that's perfect doll (she pecked my lips quickly and rang the doorbell)

We waited some seconds and then Maddie opened the door.

Maddie: guys, hello (we greeted her and walked to the dinning room where everything was ready to the lunch)

Dianna: Demi, Nick, hi

Demi: hi mom (they hugged and I greeted Dallas, Eddie and Dianna before taking a seat next to Demi and Maddie. Dallas and Dianna were on the other side and Eddie between Demi and Dianna in the tip of the table)

Eddie: how was your day guys?

Maddie: boring

Dianna: nice

Dallas: calm

Eddie: mine has been tiring (we laughed)

Demi: sweet (she said and glanced at me after it with a cheesy smile on her face)

Dianna: Nick?

Nick: in a word? (They all nodded) umm (I thought) happy (I said trying not to look very obvious when I glanced at Demi but she blushed making it obvious)

We looked to the rest of the people and everyone were still looking at us. I ate a piece of meat to distract myself.

Demi: so...anything new?

Dallas: I'm travelling to New York next week...for fun

Eddie: that's cool Dal (she nodded)

Dianna: I bought myself a new book yesterday, it's interesting

Eddie: I took your mom to dinner last night

Maddie: that's very unexpected (we laughed) I went to another Ariana's concert

Nick: umm, you're very interesting people I don't think I've done nothing new...I started to work in my new album with my bothers

Dallas: that's cool, I love your music

Nick: thanks

Demi: I ummm...(she glanced at me smiling) I think the very latest new is that I'm dating Nick (everyone's jaw dropped for seconds but then they smiled at us)

Eddie: that's amazing, I hope you are happy

Nick: we are (I said and Maddie cheered)

Maddie: I knew this day would come eventually

Dallas: yea, me too...you took too long by the way, but congrats

Demi: thank you guys

Dianna: cheers to the new couple (she said and I smiled to Demi before our glasses collided)

Demi: cheers to us (she whispered)

Nick: to a very long "us" (she blushed and we drank from our glasses)

I Should Forget You ~ Nemi Where stories live. Discover now