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DEMI P.O.V.: we entered to the mall after driving there talking and singing to the music of the radio. Nick looked at me.

Nick: it feels too bad (he whispered almost without moving his lips)

Demi: what?

Nick: that I can't hold your hand (I chuckled and rolled my eyes)

Demi: you're crazy Nick

Nick: I'm not

Demi: we've never held hands...literally never (he laughed)

Nick: yea but I wanna be able to do it whenever I want to

Demi: you'll be able one day, just be patient (he sighed making me smile and we entered to a boy's clothes' store) you can buy your clothes here while I buy mine there (I said pointing to a store across the hall)

Nick: okay angel (I hit him) what?

Demi: don't call me that way here, people could hear

Nick: Demi, calm down...nobody's hearing what I say to you

Demi: (I sighed) okay, whatever...I'll see you soon

Nick: sure (I walked to the girl's clothes' store and started picking outfits for tonight. The beach, thankfully today wasn't too cold. It was nice actually)

I found some really cute clothes and felt happy when I decided which ones I wanted to buy. I bought them and walked out of the store to find Nick standing in the door.

Demi: hey

Nick: you found something?

Demi: yea, you did?

Nick: yea, kinda...I didn't like it too much but it's okay I think

Demi: what didn't you like?

Nick: how I looked on the clothes

Demi: (I glanced at him and saw a bit of sadness in his eyes) come with me (he didn't understand what I was doing so he just followed me)

I looked around us and saw nothing suspicious, the mall was pretty empty today so I just entered quickly to the boy's bathroom with him and entered to one toilet holding his hand.

Nick: what the-

Demi: shh (I locked the door and turned around to face him) you are the most handsome man I know and you surely look absolutely awesome in those clothes. I don't want you to ever feel ugly in some way again...cause you're perfect just the way you are...alright? (He nodded with teary eyes) and don't you dare cry, please (I said with wet eyes already and he cupped my face with his hands before kissing me passionately)

Nick: you truly don't have an idea of how important you're to me...never leave my side, okay?

Demi: I'll never leave your side angel (I whispered in his lips and we heard the door opening)

Nick: shit (I smiled and he covered my mouth with his hand staring deeply into my eyes)

Demi: what will we do? (I mouthed and he pressed his lips on mine making me giggle)

Nick: we'll be fine (he mouthed back and I nodded bitting my lip)

We waited until we heard the bathroom was empty again and left heading to the car.

Nick: you're so out of your mind

Demi: I know (I said smiling and he bit his lip shaking his head)

Nick: but I like it that way

I Should Forget You ~ Nemi Where stories live. Discover now