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DEMI P.O.V.: I woke up to the sound of my phone. I've been avoiding it for a week since Nick started texting me and calling, but when I saw Dallas' name on it, I knew I should take the call.

Demi: Dal?

Dallas: Demi, is everything okay? Your friends have been texting you and they say you don't answer

Demi: oh...yes, I'm fine I just wanted time away from my phone, you know. It'd be cool if you could tell them about it, please...I really don't want to use the phone

Dallas: sure, I will. I'll stop bothering you now, okay?

Demi: okay and thanks

Dallas: it's nothing. We'll talk soon

Demi: yup, bye Dal, love you

Dallas: bye baby, love you more (I smiled and she hang up on me)

I had something telling me to check on Nick's text, so I did it.

Nick❄~ I'm thinking about you...a lot after what happened last night, you know?

Nick❄~ I still can't get our kiss out of my head, why aren't you answering me? I miss you

Nick❄~ Dem? Is everything okay? I'm worried

Nick❄~ talk to me soon? I miss you, truly

It broke my heart so see those texts. To read him worried about me when I've been just avoiding him cause I can't face the feelings nor the decision I made.

After walking silently to my bathroom and getting in the bath, I called Ariana and she answered after some tones.

Ariana: Demi?

Demi: hey, I know I was a bitch the last time we talked but I really need my friends today...I'm sorry Ari

Ariana: Demi, I don't care about the last time, I just was worried cause you weren't answering to me nor the girls. Are you okay?

Demi: I'm not, I've been but I'm not honestly

Ariana: do you want me to go to your house?

Demi: yes, I'd like that a lot...I was thinking and...could you tell the girls that I want us all to meet? I don't wanna talk about Nick so tell them to please don't ask about it

Ariana: okay, I will...so, we're having a little party for us 5?

Demi: yes, you can bring ice cream and I'll get chocolate and movies. I need my girls a lot

Ariana: okay, I'll tell them. We'll be there soon

Demi: thanks love, love you

Ariana: me too, bye

Demi: bye (She hang up on me and I read a last text before answering and turning my phone off)

Danielle😊~ Demi, hi! I'm gonna meet my family tomorrow and I'll go with Kev and his parents, Joe and Sophie are traveling back home tonight but they won't be here tomorrow morning, and I hate to be this person but my girls keep asking for you...can you take care of them for a day? We'll pay any amount of money.

Demi💞~ Dani, hi! It'd be a pleasure and an honor to take care of them. I don't want money for it. I love them! I'll be there tomorrow to take care of them. Bye

I closed my eyes and smiled.

The more I'm busy, the less I'll think about Nick. This is it. I need to keep my mind busy and forget about him. I can do it.

I Should Forget You ~ Nemi Where stories live. Discover now