To Gallifrey

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So this is basically a story based on the game To The Moon. It's a Indie RPG that has a lot of Doctor Who references and time travel and the important thing, feels. So expect feels in this.

Please play the song while reading this. The song is only one minute and forty seconds... :P

This is also an AU by the way.
A long time ago, in man's memories, a slowly dying Clara Oswald was in her bed, her stuffed toy platypus at her side, The Emperor's New Clothes next to it. The Doctor was looking at her with such sadness.

"I'll make the house Clara, I promise." The Doctor looked at her with such sadness. In truth, he was lying. They didn't have enough money to build the house near the lighthouse and pay for her treatment.

"White lie." Clara looked at him, shaking her head. "Isn't that what you call it? White lies?" The Doctor was about to talk, but she cut him off. "Why do you bother? I checked our finances, they're horrible."

"But-" still, Clara interrupted.

"I know, it's either not to build the house or forget about my treatment. Doctor... Listen, stop my treatment. I'd rather prefer you to have a nice place to live, near a place you can remember me." Clara had tears in her eyes now, her brown eyes looking at him sadly.

You see, Clara had Asperger Syndrome and was diagnosed as an adult. There was only this treatment, but it costed money. But Clara wanted to build a house near the lighthouse, which also costed money.

"But I can't lose you!" The Doctor begged, his own tears falling.

"Stop my treatment." Clara said, her tone final. The Doctor nodded sadly. "Here, also take this." She handed him a paper rabbit, the origami kind. It had a yellow body but everything else was blue. He took it and placed it a on a table gently.

"Can I at least play this song I made for you?" The Doctor asked, looking at the piano in the corner of the room.

"Yes." Clara said and he walked over. "What's it called?" Clara asked curiously.

"For Clara." He simply said, taking his seat in front of the piano keys.

"A bit cliché, don't you think?" The Doctor laughed a bit and started to play. It was a beautiful melody and Clara smiled.

(A/N: This part doesn't happen in the real game...)

She grabbed her platypus and held it tightly, listening to the melody happily. She slowly reached over to the machine shut down button and pressed it.

As the song ended,

She ended as well...

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