The Story That Ended

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Prompt by: Madamina

Prompt: Clara and the Doctor won't be able to travel with each other because of some reason.

FYI: TimelordInTheImpala, thanks to your Soufflé For The Doctor story, it gave me the idea how Clara and the Doctor won't be able to see each other. What better way to do it than with a Dalek disease?

Alia by the way, is the girl they meet in Soufflé For The Doctor.


Clara laid inside the med bay with Alia and the Doctor. Clara had a disease from a Dalek that shot it's laser at her around her side...

"I am so sorry Clara." The Doctor apologized for the millionth time. He didn't bother to say she was sick or better yet, DYING. Maybe it was cause he didn't want to be reminded he was losing another. It doesn't matter anymore, he was losing her now.

"Stop apologizing." She chastised him,

"But he could have done something!" Alia countered.

"It was... One in.. A million chance Alia. Could he really do something?" Alia stayed silent after Clara made that point..

"But I could have done an antidote. I could have..." Tears rolled down his cheeks.

"It's okay." She reminded him, already resigned to the fact she was once again, going to die.

"It's not... Okay. I'm not okay!" He countered in frustration. (A/N: Basically The Fault In Our Stars. XD)

"Stop!" Clara raised her voice causing Alia and the Doctor to jump.

"It's okay. How much longer do I have?" She asked, her tears now beginning to fall.

"5 minutes and counting." He looked at his watch for a second and then turned to her.

"Alia, take care of him while you're here. He can be regretful and drop everything. Make sure he finds a suitable companion." Alia nodded to Clara's wish.

"4 minutes right?" Clara asked the Doctor and he nodded.

"Then I better say it now." Clara continued.

"Yes?" He asked, taking a seat on a chair next to Clara's bed.

"Doctor, you were the best. The best that ever was. You took me to see the stars, planets, aliens all around. I don't regret a single moment with you. No matter how scared I was. I loved every single second of it. Thank you. So run, run you clever boy and remember me because..." She paused, taking a deep breath.

"Because?" He asked anxiously.

"Because I love you." And that's when the heart monitor flatlined. The Doctor stood up and was going to unplug the machine, but his knees gave way. He was devastated. He couldn't hold his tears anymore. Alia went over and did it for him and then comforted the once more broken Timelord.

"Clara... I love you...too." The Doctor was able to say between tears to the now unmoving body of Clara Oswald.


Send me more. And no, this isn't the sad one. I have something much bigger planned.

But thank you TimelordInTheImpala and Madamina!

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