The Daydreamer - Chp 27 [Enchanted]

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~I was enchanted to meet you/Please, don't be in love with someone else/Please, don't have somebody waiting on you~

The slam of something and the soft murmurs of multiple voices bought me gradually back to reality. My eyes fluttered opened to see the interior of Jace's Ute. I frowned as I stretched wiping under my eyes, how did I get back in here? Sitting up I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes showing no evidence of tears, luckily.

Glancing around some more I was stunned to realize that we weren't still on the side of a road but to be parked outside a house...a house surrounded by trees of some form of a woods. It wasn't hard to put together that this was a werewolves house, and I gathered the Alpha's...What had Jace called him? Kurt wasn't it?

I scowled at the thought of Jace. I can't believe he thought he could just leave me in his Ute asleep whilst he went on our hunt without me!

Unsure of myself and lost I got of the Ute and made my way up the pebble path and up the steps into the house made like a wooden cabin, the garden was exuberant and alive, almost wild with all its colors.

Walking up the steps I hesitantly reached for the door cursing Jace as I questioned what the hell I was supposed to do or say.

But before I could even chicken out and run back to the Ute filled with Jace's taunting and deliciously comforting scent the door opened to show a boy. A tall boy with dirty blonde hair who looked like he just rolled out of bed and eyes of a soft dull green.

"Oh." I said startled pulling my hand back quickly as if I'd been caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

He smiled "Adam." He offered outstretching his hand easily making me smile.

"Em." I said taking his hand as we shook hands making me laugh; I had grown so accustomed to hugs that it felt too formal and awkward.

"You can have a hug if you want." He offered smiling smugly. I pulled my hand back sharply as if electrocuted as my eyes grew in slight fear. Had I just said that out loud? He chuckled as I squirmed uncomfortably.

"Um you live here? Is Kurt your dad?" I asked changing the topic still feeling awkward.

He chuckled again and I couldn't help but note that he was handsome, no Jace but still he would pull the strings of the girls his age. By his looks I could tell he was younger, in school, I was guessing 16 to 17 maybe older, it was so hard to tell since he was a werewolf and he literally loomed over top of me.

"No, our Kurt boy isn't married let alone with kids." My eyes grew slightly with interest. "Now Em, how about that hug?" he asked outstretching his arms wide as he repressed an obvious smile.

"Sorry Adam but unlike Kurt boy Emmy here isn't available." A knowing voice said behind me their arms circling my waist as his hands weaved into mine rotating our wedding ring on my left hand. I instantly straightened as if guilty. Jace's nestled on my shoulder fitting there like perfection just as he stood there with perfection.

Adam just sighed dramatically smiling "Ah, Jace. I should have known."

Jace chuckled his body vibrating against me, and although everything from before had made it tense I still wanted him to hold me tighter. I pushed back some more into his arms subtly, but obviously not so as Jace squeezed me giving me a quick kiss on the side of my neck. I smiled slightly anyways blushing.

"So what lead you and your..." Adam trailed of prompting an answer.

"My mate."Jace said holding out my left hand giving him two answers rather. Adam nodded his head whistling at the ring making Jace's pride swell in the link, I was certain if I looked over my shoulder I'd see a smile.

The Daydreamer - A Werewolf Novel [Taylor Swift Playlist]Where stories live. Discover now