The Daydreamer - Chp 17 [Untouchable]

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~But you're untouchable/Burning brighter than the sun/Now that you're close I feel like coming undone~

“Mamma please wake up. Please.” She croaked her voice so shaky from the tears. “Oh god I'm sorry. It’s my fault, it should have been me.” She cried as she hung my head. “If I had just stayed with him…none of this would have happened.”

My head swam as I stood by the doorway unnoticed. My body was filled from head to toe with searing guilt and pain and that was with our link injured. I wanted to run in there and scoop her up but I was stuck to the ground, frozen, as if I was meant to stay here.

Before I wasn’t so slow, no, I had sped to Canberra as quickly as possible to make sure she was okay.

But she wasn’t, sure she wasn’t the one in the hospital bed. But she wasn’t okay; her body looked so limp fragile as if she hadn’t fed in days, I knew back at home when she was sick she hadn’t eaten much but I just thought that was from being sick, but now as I saw her bones stick out sharply tearing at her taught skin that it wasn’t her being sick, physically that is. Her hair was all greasy and messy obviously unattended to. Her face, from what I could gather as the only light given off was from the dim bedside lamp, was hollow and colorless with thick dark rings under her eyes; she still wasn’t sleeping. And all her body did was shake and convulse in the cold, her body shaking as she cried thick sobs wrecking from her throat as tears continually fell.

What was happening to my baby?

Soft almost feather light steps bought me to the surface as a vanilla scent washed over me. I glanced up meeting Lilly’s gaze; she smiled weakly at me, if anything the smile grim and forced adding fuel to the fire of anxiety. “I only just heard. What happened?” I said in a rushed whisper feeling helpless.

She stopped beside me watching Em like myself; it was silent for a moment. “Angus, Em’s father.” Was all she said.

I whipped my head around “He was released? Already?” I hissed.

She jumped slightly startled and automatically she shut the door so Em couldn’t hear. “She didn’t tell you?” she asked her eyes wide in shock and I was gratefully at least some one thought it was insane for me not to know. Everyone else back home that I had confided in; Mum, dad and Kane, had all said “give her time and she’ll come around”.

“I called Em the first time you were away. Angus has escaped prison. They can’t find him.” She said solemnly her eyes lit with fear as she glanced towards her mother’s room and shakily she sat down.

My head swam. This is what Em hadn’t told me? But why?

I joined Lilly on the awkward plastic chairs “He did this?” I gestured to the door.

She nodded heavily looking down “We’re unsure. Someone had broken in four nights ago. I didn’t see it, I was out. We presume it was him looking for Em and Mamma stood in the way.” I growled realizing just how much danger my baby was in. I wanted to run in there and pick her up and runaway. The amount of fear she must have already been in… “We won’t really know though if she doesn’t wake up.” I looked at her trying to find a polite way to ask what was wrong. “Some form of a coma.” She answered measuring my gaze.

“And the cops?” I asked after a pause.

She sighed “There’s no proof so for now it’s labeled as a random break in.” that made me angry, so angry.

“I can’t believe she never told you.” She murmured breaking the long silence, speaking more to herself. “It’s just like her though, trying to keep strong.”

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