The Daydreamer - Chp 19 [Haunted]

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~Come on, come on/don't leave me like this/I thought I had you figured out/Can't breathe when I know you're gone/Can't turn back now/I'm haunted ~

I awoke with a soft gasp as I jostled my sleep dreamless as I flung up in the bed. Jace jumped on the seat (he'd obviously got that bought in) by the head of my bed, something hitting the floor softly. Had he been sleeping on the chair?

What was the time anyways? I wondered as sighing I planted my head back in the pillows the pillow muting my unsteady breathing and escaped me from Jace's gaze. I hadn't had a nightmare, no it was like those moments when you jolt awake as it feels like someone has grabbed your ankle and pulled you under.

Once I was calm I rolled back over onto my side avoiding his eyes as I looked at the floor. "Is it morning?" I whispered tentatively as there was a pause of utter silence. I was about to burry my head back into the pillow to hide the rising tears as he hadn't replied.

"You've been asleep for over twenty four hours." He murmured.

"Mamma!" I cried gasping pulling the sheets away.

"Woo woo." He said holding up his hands. "She's fine, well still asleep." I paused my legs dangling over the edge of the bed. "Get changed and we'll go to the cafeteria and then you can go see her." He said his voice still blocked.

I sighed softly and walked to the door still in my pyjamas not caring and knowing I'd need some new clothes. Jace opened his mouth gesturing to my bag as I shrugged and walked passed him my eyes lowered as I made my way towards the cafeteria, Jace somewhere behind me.


Turning around in the cafeteria after getting a hot chocolate and a sandwich (I had discovered it was ten in the morning) I found Jace sitting at a table looking at the ceiling looking ever so bored that it nearly made me smile.

Awkwardly I made my way over picking up a paper from a deserted table along the way and chucking it to him as I sat down. I wondered why he was even here if he so obviously didn't want to be. Again for the hundredth time I repressed all the horrible emotions that came with the fact that now Jace had finally decided without me was best, wasn't it obvious? We sat in a piercing, tense silence as I ate looking anywhere but towards Jace as he flicked through the paper carelessly obviously just as bored by it.

I stood up once I was done having barely touched the hot chocolate, the sugar unsettling against my tongue, food feeling unnatural to me, my stomach haven grown use to hollowness. Jace stood up seeming slightly eager, okay I didn't want to admit it but very eager, I felt like pointing to the door and setting him free but selfishly as usual I didn't. Instead I made my way towards Mamma's room.


Walking in I found Dr Atkins reading Mamma's sheets doing his rounds, Aunt Lilly having spotted me spoke up "Oh here she is." She said as I averted my gaze. Looking at my Aunt by her mother's bed instantly wounded me with guilt as she sat all alone, I hated myself.

Dr Atkins looked at me his face instantly showing an emotion of understanding, understanding of what though? "Em can you please sit up on the bed please." He gestured to the bed beside Mamma that they'd bought in, in an attempt to get me to sleep, but now my Aunt used it.

"Why?" I asked warily looking at the bed backing up to clash into Jace's chest making me jump forward.

"Just to help." He soothed obviously use to lunatics such as myself.

"I don't need help! She needs help. I do not need nor deserve it, it is suppose to be her!" I cried hastily against Jace as he picked me up and sat me down on the bed my struggles ineffective. He pulled back and moved out of my sight near the door. I felt highly ganged up on and helpless.

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