Chapter 22

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I woke up well rested, Jon was back him and Jace were talking. I walked in "Hey sleeping beauty" the greeted me i smiled! Whats the plan, Jon explained Erick would help us attack Valentine.

Him and Luke we really close friends, Valentine had killed his wife he wanted his revenge. We had to keep our distance from them with Valentine men watching us. I furious having to leave my mom with him for another two weeks.

Jon went to Cindy's place alot we didnt know how it would end who would get hurt or worse. Me and Jace did alot of making up as well not sex yet, but we did do other things. I did want sex with Jace i just want it to be rushed because of Valentine.

Jace was okay to continue waiting one night as we gave each other oral sex. His fingers slid into me this time driving my emotions insane. We made love that night finally out of passion not fear it was great.

Jace took me out to dinner now that i was okay with leaving home. I started to feel normal again only rage for Valentine was left. I didn't fear him anymore i wanted to kill him rip him to pieces.

Luke Pov

Jocelyn would bring me food and talk to me briefly. She knew that her lawyer told Clary of our location. I knew Jon would get in contact with Erick to help.

She brought me a pillow and blanket while Valentine slept. When he would leave she found a way to sneak down into the cellar. We made love all the time now, i was to afraid to ask what Valentine made her do.

I needed to know so i asked, she said nothing yet but we needed to leave soon. Valentine is starting to rub her body in bed now. Soon he will want sex if she didn't he would hurt me she said.

Dont worry about me Honey do not give into that monster. We were trying to figure an escape plan but it was hard Valentine had the place well guarded.

Jocelyn Pov

I visit Luke more while Valentine left. It frighten me more because i knew he was out looking for and stalking Clary. I tried to convince him to not bring Clary that sick bastard refused.

Saying we needed her to be a family, but i saw the lust behind his eyes as he talked about her. I think its the reason he hasn't tried sleeping with me yet. I'd rather him take me than my babygirl again.

So i would be extra touchy with him take his sexual mind off my daughter. It's working so far because he kisses me and touches me in bed. He felt gross but i had to make him want me not Clary.

Soon he would want sex for now i just tease him like i use to. Good thing for me i know his weakness he loves playing hard to get. So i reject or stop his touches often he smiles at me now.

I think sometimes he forgets Luke is here until i ask to feed him. One day alot of people came inside heavy armed. Valentine threw me down with Luke i knew then it was Clary and the others.

I hope they wouldn't get hurt i worried not being able to see. Then the cellar door opened Luke hid me behind him. As a dark shadow approached us Luke stood and attack when the cell door opened.

End Pov

Finally we leave to attack Valentine his place was well guarded. Erick had alot of men and illegal weapons. Me, Jace and Jon held back while his men made a way inside. We slipped inside fighting off a few people.

Then i saw him Valentine, Jace attacked him but Valentine was really strong and better skilled fighter. Jon attacked now he and Valentine were more leveled. "Son i taught you well Valentine" teased him.

I sent Jace to find my Mom and Luke to check downstairs.

Jon was furious attacking without thinking its what Valentine wanted he shot Jon in the stomach. Red fueled my eyes as Jon fell i jumped on Valentine back pulling my blade digging it into his back. The threw me off him but stumbled i'd dug the blade in deep and twist it in.

I made the womb fatal if it wasn't treated. Valentine loved to play mind games i would play them as well until he passed out. So father how does it feel to be so sick you lust your own blood i asked.

He growled for me shut up lunged at me i ducked rolled out the way. What's the matter couldnt handle mom not wanting you anymore. Her and Luke are perfect for each other he's my dad not you!

Guess what i dont want you either. "Shut up you bitch" he yelled! I laughed he was beyond pissed and jealous i seems he was possessive.

I angered him more, I love Jace he took my virginity the way it was suppose to be done. With love and passion he growled pulling his gun pointing it at me. A big figure attacked him causing him to drop the gun.

It was Luke Mom and Jace were by my side i picked up Valentines gun without them noticing. He and Luke struggled with each other Valentine pulled a blade to try and stab Luke.

Two loud bangs gun shots filled the room i shot him in the back. Who did the second shot i look around i saw Jon standing holding a gun and his stomach. Valentine dropped down on the ground Luke was ready to snap his neck.

"No" i yelled Luke stopped i walk over to Valentine took his blade from his hand. I smiled at him "Im going to make you proud father" i said as i slammed the blade down on his private area.

Again and again Luke turned his head Jace ran to my side. I sat on my knees i bent to whisper "Im sending you to hell where you will burn forever". I placed the gun over his heart. I pulled the trigger until the clip was empty watching the life leave his eyes.

Father now you truely are heartless i said stood up to hug Jace my mom and Luke. I ran over to Jon he was hurt Erick men were still taking care of Valentines goons. We rushed him to hospital Doctors said he and Luke would be fine.

I was suprised Mom wasnt hurt. Mom why didnt he hurt you i asked curious. Sweetie i know your father i used his own mind games against him. Momma had tricks up her sleeves as well she winked, Jace and I laughed!

After i visited them both me and Jace went home. I notice as i took off Jace shirt he had bruises. Jace who did this i remember Valentine hitting him in face. "Oh" he laughed when i found your parents it was kinda dark Luke kinda attack me.

Then he realized it was me and stop he said. I got ice packs out the deep freezer laying him down placing them on top of his bruises. Guess i will be nurse Clary i giggled.

Well then where is your uniform he teased. I kissed him get some rest were safe he's dead. Clary what you did to him are you okay? Yes i was just enraged after he beat you, shot Jon, kidnap my parents and rape me. I released all my anger on him when i killed him.

I just wanted to make sure you were going to be okay with killing your father he said. Jace is was not my father but a monster i sent him back where he belongs. We both smiled i layed down with him drifted off to sleep.

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